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RE: De-escalating steemit elders (Part 1); an open letter to @ned and @officialfuzzy

in #deescalate7 years ago

I know more facts than I've stated here. The flag was bullshit and this post is ass kissing bullshit. If there's a reason for the flag then he should explain it. Otherwise he should remove it. Blaming Fuzzy for being flagged for doing what Ned wouldn't is bullshit. Who is building this platform more than us? NOONE THAT'S WHO! That is the problem ned has with us is that we do more for the platform that he owns most of (so much for "decentralized") than anyone and he has no control over it. If I'm wrong prove it but the evidence says this.


I never said that you are wrong on your comment, I stated civility and have right for my comment without any referance to ass licking. Let us learn how to respond with prudency than allowing sentiments to take control. These guys will resolve this issue soon, that am sure.