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RE: Depression, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #depression7 years ago

Depression is a state of mind producing serious, long-term lowering of enjoyment of life or inability to visualize a happy future due to one unpalatable circumstances of things around the person affected.

Depression; I can say it does kill gradually even more than the most deadly disease in the history of the world, Depression cannot directly kill you the way that an illness like cancer or tuberculosis might, but it can have certain effects that could lead indirectly to a person being more likely to die. Seeing this indicating that the depressed mind is likely to meet his death unprepared for.

The most obvious way that depression might lead to death is if the bad feelings of depression lead a person to decide to take his own life just like what happened in the story you shared on here, it is so sudden and heartbreaking for such thing to happen like that for the man affected, for someone to take his own life, it shows that such has lost hope of everything one ever wanted, the reason to always seek people help in terms of need shouldnt be over emphasize. We all need one another in the life, a tree alone cannot make a forest, so we all must be there for one another and never to take things personal at all time. We should always learn to make people happy with our behavior and attitude and not otherwise since we never know the person sitting beside us is going through.

Depression can make people feel helpless and without hope, causing them to reach the unfortunate conclusion that suicide is the only way to end their misery. I have learnt a lot from this piece brother, always be open when the going seems not to be good and encompasses greater challenges, remember we need one another in this life.


Beautiful comment. Thanks a whole lot for this.