Anthony Bourdain. He hosted so many shows back then. The man apparently committed suicide due to possibly, depression. Too bad I don’t know the man, (his post made me know the man), but he seemed to be a popular figure. My heart goes to him and his family. It is always hard to take and come to terms with.I recently read a post by @ericvancewalton where he talked about a talented
People go through a lot of things we might never know until they open up and speak. We should learn to be tender and be of help to people we come across in life. You don’t know the internal battles they are contending with. Don’t be deceived by outward appearance. Face value is not always the real value. There might be internal battles going on. This is why it is good to choose our words carefully when dealing with anyone, I mean everyone.
We should learn to be sympathetic. The point is, some people will rather make things worse by their words not minding what the person is going through. We might be seated to a completely broken person and still wouldn’t know it, more reason we need to be tender, as we don’t know what that person is going through or just went through.
When we have issues beyond our control and emotions are weighing us down with a lot of thoughts, we should always seek for help. Nobody has it all together. We grow in life as we go. No man is an island of knowledge. Nobody has the monopoly of knowledge either. We are to be kind and tender, and also seek for help.
There is no shame in asking for help. Realizing the need for help is the first step to recovery. A closed mouth is a closed destiny.
Kind words do help. I already shared about a man who dressed so well and was heading to commit suicide. He met someone on the way who complimented how good he looked. This man turned back and wrote in the diary: “Today is a good day. I met someone who gave me another reason to live”.
Harsh words break no bones but it can break hearts. A thousand bones with no hearts is no life. So with our words, we should ask ourselves, how many people we have killed.
I am really sorry about the death of the man. It’s always painful when men of real talent die. The world needs them more than earth does. Sleep after toil, ease after war, port after stormy sea, life after death, does greatly please.
This is a call to every one of us; the depressed and to the general populace. To the depressed, seek for help. Speak to someone. Reach out. The pain of a depressed man’s death hurts the family more, and to everyone, we need to offer a hand of care. Depression is a broad topic and never a good thing. I admire those who have been there and came out. Your strength is an inspiration to everyone.
Let me keep it this simple.
Thank you for your time.
My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.
Still me,
My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.
Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.
By showing compassion and sympathy a person not only helps the other depressed person but in essence helps themselves as well. The reason behind this is that everything we do in life is linked through a cause and effect system. By doing good to others we receive positivity and contentment. We receive peace, unlike anything we could have achieved if we only did things for ourselves. Because self-actualization is a necessity in our lives we can't live without.
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!. God bless your understanding. Love it!!!. Thank you for that.
Suicide is the worst sin work. Suicide is prohibited under the Shari'ah provision. Those who commit suicide do not have the love, affection, love for their own life. Whether or not they are wise people are not wise and do not stay happy. Humans have suffered more than suicide. And you put another thing in your words that is help. There are many people in the society who are in extreme danger and they do not want help from anyone. The fear of being soft and somewhat short of them. They do not want to bow down to anyone. That is not really right. There is no dearth of humility to anyone. Our identity is one of ours. We are all people
We are all people and we are hurting in one way or the other. So many things drive people to depression, as much as we want them to speak up, we should always present ourselves as lovable and friendly, to make it easier for depressed people to desire to talk to us.
You're right. But those who are full of poisonous people are sorry for them and we do not have to go, because they are not as advantageous as people, and we want to present ourselves as the best.
You do not have to try to change things that you can not change. Every time you have to do your best to help yourself but at the same time you also have to accept your weakness.
Accept the fact that you are experiencing depression and live side by side in harmony until you manage to overcome it. No one likes to feel depressed, but you must understand that there is no point in continuing to overcome depression at this point because you have no strength, determination, and will to move forward. Try to accept what is going on inside you and around you and wait until your strength returns and you feel able to overcome depression.
In order for you to be able to change and control the negative thoughts that get you caught up in the cycle of depression, it is very important for you to recognize those reasons, which are the main causes for you to feel depressed.
The technique that can be used is to record your negative thoughts every day for some time. Then you can spend about 20 minutes each day to recognize, group, and examine those negative thoughts. Note your thoughts and the examination of the causes of depression will make you able to recognize the reasons why you are pushed into a bad mental state and end up with depression. By recognizing the negative mindset, you are able to prevent, and correct and even stop the cycle of depression.
Admittance is the first step to recovery, truly. When we admit we need help, we would go anywhere to search for it. Only depressed people can understand but i want to believe it is not as simple as we think. Knowing who to trust and involve is also another thing to consider, but i admit that speaking up and seeking help is very vital as well.
Thanks for your beautiful comment as usual.
I read about the man too and I was so disturbed because that was the second time I read about someone committing suicide as a result of depression on that particular day.
We should not allow ourselves to be deceived by people's appearances, because those we do not expect are the one suffering from it.
@gooddream posted about another sport man that committed suicide as a result of depression some years a go. He said in his post that when you see the man, you can never know he was suffering from such, because he always make himself available to lift those around him, so no one suspected him to be fighting inner battle until the day he committed suicide.
Let's play our roles in helping those around us, let's speak positively into their lives. Don't let us judge them without listening first, lots of them are facing things bigger than them, don't let's us compound to it.
One problem I noticed with the depressed is that they don't always want to talk about it, they don't always trust those around them enough to share their burden with them, they prefer to carry it all alone until they are unable to carry it again. That should be enough reason why we need to be more careful in dealing with people.
When you feel like saying something or doing something for someone, don't delay it, you can't say how long it can go.
Thank you @olawalium and @communiycoin
absolutely. We should always carry ourselves in a way that others can trust us. We should be able to let them know we are approachable and can be trusted. Most of depressed people hardly want to talk about it because they are not sure how those around them would handle it. No one likes being a topic of negative discussion.
Thanks once again bro.
Not all understand this... Some people would rather add to the problem than to lessen it.
Even though I haven't experience depression,
Going by the articles I have read about it so far, I can conclude that depression is evil. Gosh!
Depression drives people to do evil things to themselves and to others. Love and compassion is enough to reduce it, at least. Thanks. :)
Hmmmm! That's a great loss to the family of the man, a great loss to the community and a great loss to the world.
There are so many thoughts going on in people's mind which is not open to other person unless they shared it. But there is an adage says "problem shared is half solve " it's always good to have people will can share with around us.
There are many people out there who when you share with them what you are passing through, they will take your case to the open space and make jokes about it. Those people may be friends, family or even church member.
Depression is dangerous, it can cause so many damages. It worked alongside unhappiness and if care is not taking, can lead to suicide.
Thanks sharing @communitycoin and @olawalium
Absolutely, fear of being mocked makes people to bottle so much in, until they lose a reason to live. That is why it is better to surround ourselves with positive minded people. We need to choose our company with care.
Thanks a lot, brother.
I understand your point, but I hope you will agree with me that choosing people we walked with easy,but choosing who and who to trust to share your life with is not so easy.
Early this year, I have a particular issues about my health. I went to my brother, I mean a blood brother to share with him what I'm going through. But to my own surprise, I became the subject of discussion among his friends and family members. What can you say about that?.
Did you know the case of an introvert, what can you say about them. It is not advisable to keep too much things to your self. As it can pile up and caused damages to your health, I understand that perfectly. But who and who can we take our matters to? A question bothering my mind...
Thanks for the feedback
Wow!. That must have hurt so much. I totally understand you and you are so right. I love hearing personal experiences, it makes it real and easy to relate to.
It is actually hard to find who to share your burdens with, as you can never be sure about what they would do, or who they would divulge it all to. The thing is, we need to study people's content before feeding them to our soul. I know you told your brother all that, because you felt he wouldn't hurt you, a mistake i know you will consider very well, if you were dealing with a friend, right?
When it comes to issues that are very delicate, test that person with a little information first and see how they react, but then, don't forget that you build friendship everyday you relate with someone. Studying people helps. Friendship and sharing secrets takes caution, that's why people sometimes go to a therapist.
The level of maturity of the person you are dealing with matters. These tiny details should be checked and looked into before ascertaining who to open up to. The truth is, people will hurt and betray you sometimes, we live and learn in life.
Thank you so much brother, I'm very happy you see it the same way as mine
Definitely. You made so much sense. Thanks brother.
If a touch could heal a wound, then your word of advice could save one or two lifes
Never say anything bad to people in need of help cos you don't their inner problem
and if you save a with cool word then you are a hero
Good. We should be tender with our words, because we don't know what people are dealing with. Thanks bro.
Depression is a state of mind producing serious, long-term lowering of enjoyment of life or inability to visualize a happy future due to one unpalatable circumstances of things around the person affected.
Depression; I can say it does kill gradually even more than the most deadly disease in the history of the world, Depression cannot directly kill you the way that an illness like cancer or tuberculosis might, but it can have certain effects that could lead indirectly to a person being more likely to die. Seeing this indicating that the depressed mind is likely to meet his death unprepared for.
The most obvious way that depression might lead to death is if the bad feelings of depression lead a person to decide to take his own life just like what happened in the story you shared on here, it is so sudden and heartbreaking for such thing to happen like that for the man affected, for someone to take his own life, it shows that such has lost hope of everything one ever wanted, the reason to always seek people help in terms of need shouldnt be over emphasize. We all need one another in the life, a tree alone cannot make a forest, so we all must be there for one another and never to take things personal at all time. We should always learn to make people happy with our behavior and attitude and not otherwise since we never know the person sitting beside us is going through.
Depression can make people feel helpless and without hope, causing them to reach the unfortunate conclusion that suicide is the only way to end their misery. I have learnt a lot from this piece brother, always be open when the going seems not to be good and encompasses greater challenges, remember we need one another in this life.
Beautiful comment. Thanks a whole lot for this.
It's okay to reach out for help but sometimes the people you reach out for don't have the answers you need to get out for depression. Some people still go through it despite having therapy and it's just everyone has a different way of dealing with it, some people are depressed but can get better without talking to anyone.
That's right, that is why the human being should not draw conclusions without knowing the history behind a person, Everyone, at some point in our lives, we can go through a bad patch and come to feel a great sadness. But if that suffering is persistent, and affects your daily life, depression can appear. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. We have the ability to leave sadness behind and not let anyone sink us.