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RE: Depression, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #depression7 years ago
Depression will disappear but we can not predict when depression will occur. The therapist's progress depends on many factors.

You do not have to try to change things that you can not change. Every time you have to do your best to help yourself but at the same time you also have to accept your weakness.

Accept the fact that you are experiencing depression and live side by side in harmony until you manage to overcome it. No one likes to feel depressed, but you must understand that there is no point in continuing to overcome depression at this point because you have no strength, determination, and will to move forward. Try to accept what is going on inside you and around you and wait until your strength returns and you feel able to overcome depression.

In order for you to be able to change and control the negative thoughts that get you caught up in the cycle of depression, it is very important for you to recognize those reasons, which are the main causes for you to feel depressed.

The technique that can be used is to record your negative thoughts every day for some time. Then you can spend about 20 minutes each day to recognize, group, and examine those negative thoughts. Note your thoughts and the examination of the causes of depression will make you able to recognize the reasons why you are pushed into a bad mental state and end up with depression. By recognizing the negative mindset, you are able to prevent, and correct and even stop the cycle of depression.


Admittance is the first step to recovery, truly. When we admit we need help, we would go anywhere to search for it. Only depressed people can understand but i want to believe it is not as simple as we think. Knowing who to trust and involve is also another thing to consider, but i admit that speaking up and seeking help is very vital as well.

Thanks for your beautiful comment as usual.