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Relationships are tricky, and for me they get harder to find and accept the older I get.
I'm 38 this year and I guess some people are born to be single and I feel I am one of those people.
Having kids has never crossed my mind in a serious way but am open to the idea when I am at peace with myself and surroundings.. but dang,, I gotta find a chick first and spend years to see if it's gonna work.
I'm alright.. I get depressed too though but in a different sort of sense.
I get sad about the way people are forced to work shit jobs and have to suppress their creativity and evolvement due to work,, just for some smelly paper dollars.
I was one of them until I moved away, but this new world of online bollocks is killing me.
It sucks having talent without the right contacts.
I guess I was happier when I was driving cabs in gloomy wet ol England.
Chin up girl The world is now your oyster :D
Yeeeow :D