If you believe the MSM narrative that Russia is suffering badly and its invasion is faltering then it might make sense to send heaps of arms to Ukraine to try to defeat them there.
But what I see is a quite successful large scale high intensity combined arms warfare utilising strategic and tactical manoeuvre to encircle and destroy the Ukrainian Army in the East, to secure the entire Black Sea coast, and to pin down Ukrainian forces in the Kiev and Kharkov to prevent resupply to the large forces encircled in the East (but no attempt to actually take them.)
I see western resupply depots being picked off in bulk by Russian missiles and thus not reaching the front lines.
This is the problem with the West drinking its own cool aid and believing the Ukrainians are winning when they are not. They may be fighting bravely, but they are losing.
It causes NATO to waste resources on Ukraine rather than dedicating them to defensive of actual NATO countries.