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RE: The decline of Germany

in #deutsch2 months ago (edited)

So you are in crypto and still have not stumbled over the idea to build an alternative?

And not only take part in "their" this-or-that dialectic, both sides controlled by the same.

Or am I supposed to fix all worlds problems now - just because I'm against centralized might that does not make it better but everything even worse?

I've made a post for you:

Actually a lot of posts. my whole profile is fulll


Okay, thank you for the clarification / confirmation, @woelfchen.

Some time ago, I came to view much of how people can look at more or less the same situations in life and have almost diametrically (much as you and I, right now ...) opposite views of what to do about it, based upon the following:

"How we think is based upon our system of belief."

You and I almost certainly do not have the same system of belief.


So you believe in authority?

Then war about who's authority is THE authority may continue?

Yes, as has been the case from the beginning of time.

This definitely does not sound amazing.

But I really appreciate the honest exchange of thoughts. Thank you for that.

"This definitely does not sound amazing."

Yes, we can certainly agree on that. The age old battle between good and evil. What is right and what is wrong ... What is life affirming and that which is most certainly not ...

Lots of different ways to express more or less the same idea.

"But I really appreciate the honest exchange of thoughts. Thank you for that."

Thank you for letting me know that. Happy to engage with you!