Meeting tl;dr:
- I'm working on rc delegations still, currently stuck but hopeful
- a hivemind dump should be coming later today so we can skip the 4 day sync time
- @blocktrades team is working on a docker hivemind
- We need all apps to test their apps against and report if they found issues or not (especially peakd and essency @asgarth / @good-karma ) @roelandp will make an excel to track which apps have tested and are okay or not
- A pay x hive/hbd every x days operation would be nice to enable patreon-like use cases I'll take care of that later on.
- Loads of discussion on hive's future that you should be listening to because it makes less sense if summarized
I really appreciate these and just got done listening.
I'm not a developer but I use Gitlab lots on our project should i write a ticket for this? If so where on the gitlab?
Sorry for not replying sooner, I'm quite swamped with hf24 things.
Thanks ! I'm always a bit like "is this really worth it ? It's pretty much a podcast where blocktrades and I talk about stuff who cares ?"
3.4.: Not sure where it's at, but yeah I agree that we should work on the first protocol upgrade for communities, good thing is that it's layer two so it could happen in parallel to the regular hard fork development.
Mhh I agree with you on the paywall, but it's a hard problem to solve while being decentralized. A first centralized version could be done where the content is encrypted by the hive-patreon front end and only decrypted by the front end if the user is set to send recurrent payments.
But that's a centralized solution and it's not great. I'll have to brainstorm this, I think it's hard but not impossible.
5. Patreon and pay wall
I think having a decentralized option to begin with is great however giving our users a Choice to add encrypted posts to a centralized repository is viable... maybe at least a 3rd party or allowing the user to choose between a couple options? I dont think platforms like ourselves want to be responsible for storing sensitive material and sometimes illegal content.
5b. The big issue is how each platform gives the reader access to the encrypted content perhaps. We check if pay wall requirements are met then become the arbiter if the reader is allowed access? Or does the creator somehow directly impact the access? Perhaps the creator decides to trust peakd for example for us to verify who has access to content and then gives us the ability to decrypt for that user. That is not the perfect system of course but i dont know of better ones.
2b. The big part is just indexing in hivemind... and maybe that just requires @blocktrades and @good-karma to want the language feature and I'm sure we are willing to test it out early on letting users know that not all content on the chain will be shown when they do a language based feed for example.
Honestly the indexing part shouldn't be too hard to do we already parse the json metadata, it's just a matter of adding a column.
Why the obscurity?
No faces (thus personas) and the Hive channel can't be easily found unless this direct link given. If the team of developers here are existing in such darkness (literally) then how do you expect to entice investors? The Hive chain has zero branding.
Seems like it's by choice to not be discovered and only relay information to the limited few within the confines of this "hive bubble." How many are even paying attention to this information here anyway.
weird take on this... all these people on this call have been to the yearly conferences and have had their faces seen plenty. What they're saying is what is important.
Well I'm speaking from the perspective of an outsider looking into the core of the Blockchain: the developers.
You're speaking from the perspective of someone that's keeping up with the activities of those players within the community. A likely already committed investor/user.
Your example actually emphasizes the need for such information to be better distributed outside of this bubble.
When Hive detached from steem it celebrated the COMMUNITY factor as the true value of this blockchain. I agree with that. So the opportunity to continue with that existed as a very powerful branding potential that could then continue to generate attention and users/investors. Yet some half a year on, the opposite has happened.
Also what happened to that Janine/Jenny? girl that took a frontline role on the Hive migration process? She had a proposal that was somewhat ill received but I can't find it now. I actually thought that her initiative would be good for this project.
A female as (Queen bee) the face of Hive ready to put in work on marketing and such.
This is my point, that early on this was looking like a rejuvenated Blockchain where a 'Monster Sun' had awakened the 'real world people' to realize themselves as the true value. Opportunities like that don't come around often and the buzz around this new thing called Hive essentially exploded. Capitalisation on that to then present 'all the people of Hive' had great potential. After all, speculation obviously attracts but it's really people that attract people.
@justine, she's still around. Her proposal got fully paid out and now has expired so it's no longer part of the active proposals.
Not sure I follow you on the female stuff, skills is what matter not the sex.
And yes it's the usual, hive has great devs but no good marketers or biz devs.
Yeah I don't mean it should be females for the sole purpose of female... but as a marketable trait. Seen as a beehive has a Queen in the middle. Also because crypto isn't too successful at attracting females. Though HIVE doesn't actually have that problem. The makeup, Venezuelan and chainart communities here are well stacked with females so that's a big positive to attract growth. The only negative is that I believe a robust chat that isn't discord is a must once a larger userbase is achieved.
Some of the devs very much value their privacy but you can find faces for most others (including me), the idea of this is to be viewed as a podcast kind of so in the background without videos.
On the actual branding well I agree except I'm a dev not a marketer. We need a marketing guy/gal and we don't have one right now.
Yeah I see your point.
On the marketing, what happened to Andarchy? He was seen as the face of steemit and was committed once upon a time. Also there was that girl that put a proposal for that role but she disappeared. Jenny I think was her name. 2020 isn't a good year though so the future might be brighter for all. I'm confident in Hive existing for a while and hopeful for SMTs. Maybe then the community will take the lead and this could be marketed broadly!
Andarchy left with the ones who left steemit at the same time to build a new project. haven't heard much since. "that girl" is @justineh .
I get why you'r grim to to be fair we haven't really started working on new features, there was a ton of work that we had to do in order to stabilize/optimize the blockchain to make it go from steem to hive, make it our own. Now that this is behind us, we will focus on new features and lots of exciting things are coming :)
Yeah sorry I didn't address her accordingly. I have admiration for @justineh she put much effort into the transition process when everything was snowballing.
I also understand that the backbone development was a necessity and priority after the detachment so I'm not critiquing that.
The SMTs nonexistence some 3 years after announcement is my main gripe. The other is that to entice the mainstream user, a platform needs to provide the same or better system. So the lack of embedded CHAT and mobile app is the other fundamentals I believe are needed. I'm patient and optimistic about Hive though, because really all of blackchain is on a slow progress path. Thanks for the information and also I know that your work and expertise here is crucial so much respect for remaining committed.
Hey there. Still around in background when help is needed, but not super active :)
My proposal wasn’t for marketing though, it was for exchange liaison work as well as the initial PR work I contributed. The work was from February until June (per the proposal).
Marketing for a decentralized project is a bit tricky, I had given my takes on it but ultimately it’s up to the community. There are some marketing firms that showed interest in taking it on, but I think the hardfork was the main focus.
Essentially, as with most things here, someone has to just step up and do it.. as there is no centralized entity. Core devs are doing so, but yes there are other aspects that could probably use some focus. As the community grows perhaps someone will take it on.
Hey! Thanks for your input. I misinterpreted then, I thought you had put yourself forward as part of the replacement for the new Hive team that would push the mission on after others left.
I agree that decentralised makes it not so straight forward and that it's really anyone's prerogative which is good.. and bad since without some type of 'central hub' whatever gets published by enthusiasts becomes lost throughout the internet. Thus to an outsider, finding that becomes difficult and potentially works against the mission to attract investors.
The core development is definitely a positive here so it's a long road for blockchain and early days still. I'm sure in the future some will step forward. Good that you're still around.
Love the last point!
Thanks for the updates!