Rorate coeli desuper

in #dew3 months ago

As a caption (and accompanying text) for these photos, I chose the Latin quote "Rorate coeli desuper et nubes pluant iustum: aperiatur terra, et germinet Salvatorem. Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness. Open, O earth, and give forth the Savior!

It also fits the timing, since it is the "Roratens," the opening chant of the Catholic Mass associated with the season of Advent.

On the other hand, at this time of year in our geographic region, I'd expect fluffy "feathers" of fresh snow rather than dew. But Christmas is only associated with snow in Europe and North America. In Bethlehem, in the middle of Israel, where would snow come from?

Jako nadpis (a doprovodný text) k těmto fotkám jsem si zvolil latinský citát "Rorate coeli desuper et nubes pluant iustum: aperiatur terra, et germinet Salvatorem". Rosu dejte, nebesa shůry, ať z oblak skane spása! Otevři se, země, a vydej Spasitele!

Ono se to hodí i časově, neboť se jedná o "roráty", úvodní zpěv katolické mše spojené s dobou adventu.

Na druhou stranu, v této době bych v našem zeměpisném regionu čekal spíš naducané "peřinky" čerstvého sněhu než rosu.

Nicméně vánoce jsou spojené se sněhem jen u nás v Evropě a Severní Americe. Ostatně, kde by se v Betlémě, uprostřed Izraele, vzal sníh?



Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions I would appreciate it if you would throw them in the comments box


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Well, the dewdrops are beautiful, in their own way! Here in the USA Northwest, I expect we will have a rainy Christmas, not a snowy one.

Just for fun, I had to go look... and it did actually snow in Bethlehem for Christmas in 2013:

This is unbelievable. Do they have any snow plows in Israel? 😁😁😁

Different plant, is this water part of the morning dew?

The truth is, it's not morning dew at all. It's the rain. 😆

I thought it was dew from the content of the image, the photo was excellent, congratulations.

Things are not what they seem 😁 and sometimes photographs lie. The important thing is the result.


@pavelsku, I paid out 0.110 HIVE and 0.026 HBD to reward 2 comments in this discussion thread.