My official statement:
If you are a bigot, and you insist on making bigoted statements instead of educating yourself about why bigotry is idiotic:
Please die in a fire.
My official statement:
If you are a bigot, and you insist on making bigoted statements instead of educating yourself about why bigotry is idiotic:
Please die in a fire.
Unfortunately, a lot of bigots don't realise their bigotry. Most of the times, it's not malice, but rather just ignorance. Some weird variant of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Hence, they can't educate themselves about a concept they have no understanding of.
Of course, there are the malicious assholes who could die in a fire, indeed, but in most cases they may just be victims of their society.
Thus, a noble person would go out of their way to educate them. I'm not that person, of course, I'd rather avoid bigots like plague.
I am waiting for your education regarding your flagging of my post that mentions vaccine science.
I swear some of you posters crack me up 😂. Talk about using scientific model extrapolated to explain age old wisdom (aka. don't throw pearls as swine)
hehe😆😂..... social media lynching. Up-Voted!
Like someone who flags people who don't like the new logo? People like that, @sneak?
So no, I do not believe a person flagging someone on a platform that is designed to have upvotes and "downvotes" (flags). If sneak were going around flagging all women regardless of content, I would call that bigotry.
Flagging someone for content you disagree with merely out of content but without regards to race or ethnicity is called using the system. It just happens that sneak has a more impactful vote with his delegated power than most users would.
Stop calling me surly.
@sneak you are the best
😆😜're subtle @schattenjaeger. Wait...are you guys all posting these marvelous respond as your super high reps protect you from rebuttal?
Too late I replied already without thinking of repercussion......oh well. Up-Voted for Fabulous Observations
I pretty much also dislike the new logo. But can't make me a bigot.
To further clear up some "confusion" -
A user was flagged by Sneak and told to die in a fire because they had stated that the new Steemit logo and color scheme "looked gay."
I'm not sure how that becomes "bigotry." Was it a poor choice of words? Perhaps. But you'd think that the CTO of Steemit, Inc. would have the sense to not be dragged into some pissing match over words that are pretty harmless in the grand scheme of things.
My suggestion:
Grow up...or perhaps stop using social media?
You represent your company and your behavior on your company's app/website has been pretty poor overall - and is often at its worst when problems with development/communication and your app/website are frustrating the community.
Good comment.
I don't want to take sides here or debate.
However, watching the steemfest videos... I must say that @sneak behaves very strangely. He is in constant belief that he is the center of attention. Interrupts people quite a lot. Condescending to some audience members as they ask questions. Makes some very odd 'jokes', and overall carries himself like someone with sociopath tendencies.
He no doubt has talents in development and has steemit's best interest at heart but @ned should keep a watchful eye. Specially when such individual is in a high position. Erratic behaiviour and an unstable mind could put the team in a position of damage control. Once the SMT project gains weight, there will be a lot more at stake. Public Image is going to matter immensely.
Generally speaking, you don't fight hate with hate. The hater is already where they want to be. You however, descend down to their level.. and then must work hard to try to return to decency.
the only 'hate' in play was the person didn't like the new logo and colour scheme. He used a poor choice of word in today's PC environment to express his dislike and for that was downvoted and then when he respectfully asked why he was downvoted he was accused of hate speech told to Die In A Fire (DIAF)... which was then repeated by the perpetrator in this post.
That comment is far more hateful speech then the original comment referring to the colour scheme as being "gay".
I do agree with your assessment of sneak and especially the role he plays. If he has talent in development the best place for him to be is likely well out of the public's eyes and ears.
You are right.
Though my last line was a broad statement.
Sneak's official post was not productive.
Completely makes his stance hypocritical really.
That is why I hope he can reanalyze and even put out an apology.
This might come back to haunt him in the future if he doesn't.
His conduct should be more professional and not driven by emotion.
I stand by everything I said. I still want bigots who insist on bigotry instead of education for themselves to die in a fire.
If you think that’s worse than flagging someone for using slurs, you’re vastly ignorant of history.
You know that gays actually refer to themselves as such, right? I'm also fairly certain that comment wasn't directed at a person, so who are you getting offended for?
What do people need education about having an opinion on the color and design of the new logo?
I never had issue with the flagging.
We are all free to exercise that right.
History does not hold strict rule on words either.
They evolve through time just like society does.
When analysed from a truth and definitive view.
It's not the word, but manner of usage that matters.
Which is what really determines the intent.
In the logo reference. It was hardly intended as hate.
Clearly the work of a sick and deranged panel moderator, interrupting other people. :D
lol I see your point and retract the sociopath assumption.
I'm not against you. You're a bubbly guy. I'm looking out for you man.
Community and leadership really needs a more harmonious existence on steemit.
That is the message that the people have asked me to deliver.
Because I moonlight as a prophet.
They call me Mahamanoid.
You are not looking out for me by policing my language by insinuating that I owe anyone an apology for calling out hateful, bigoted assholes.
Defending those who use hateful slurs is not a good look. It is you who should reconsider.
No man. I am not one who finds the use of 'gay' offensive or hateful within the context in question. As @ats-david said. Poor choice of words yes.
Anyway I thought you were CTO. This is the only reason why I believed an apology would reflect better in the future. However, I observed you clarify elsewhere that you do not represent steemit Inc. So then for that. You owe no one an apology.
I don't even defend. I simply accept. Any form of speech. I don't believe free speech means freedom to hate or has exemption from repercussion though. Consequence is another matter entirely.
He's an employee of Steemit Inc in a high level position posting on Steemit ... he can deny all he wants that he represents Steemit. The fact is that he does and he lacks the intelligence to recognize the fact that his deplorable conduct reflects on his employer.
His employer may not care ... others do whether he likes it or not.
wow. beautiful comment.
I cannot upvote this nearly enough.
Followed you man! Im at 3332 followers! haha
hey man i am glad I know you BEFORE I saw your post here! @sneak should come and talk in and actually improve his image! I care about stakeholders as big as him!
Hey @ats-david, I hate to jump in here but I think someone may be posing as you in Steemit Chat, or did you really offer me some free Steem this morning ? Just wanted to let you know if it wasn't you, they have your name and photo from your page.
Yeah, it wasn’t me. They’ve been banned already, I think.
This just happened about 4 hours ago. So if they have been banned that was quick work to get it done. I can post a copy of the chat if you need it .
No, I’ve already seen it. Chat mods have already told me about it, so I’m assuming it’s been handled.
Okay, good day.
Whoever told you I was the CTO was lying or mistaken. I have never been an officer of Steemit Inc and I do not speak for the company, only myself.
It's all over the place, actually. It's not just me. Many witnesses on also have the same understanding. You might need to make a more public clarification since everyone seems to think the opposite of what you're saying here. These are just a few examples:
I just did—there is no ambiguity in my comment. You’re acting in bad faith. This and all further instances will be flagged.
Feel free to continue on your own blog where I won’t read it.
with all the official statements identifying you as CTO of Steemit Inc... you are either feeding us a line of BS or Ned came to his senses and let you go. Enlighten us.
Flagged For Abusive Behavior!
I know, it sad, but he can afford to get flaged, when whales flag inncoent minnows it makes the whole platfporm look bad,,.. people go on Youtuibe and will make a Video about how steemit has "censorship" which is not true buit in teh minds of the sheeple the rules are steem are too complicated for them to understand.... so they jump to conclusions and think these big accounts are "Admins" which teha re not but they go around acting like thi which is fine if they are responsible... but dude if I was in Sneaks position I woudl actua.y be working a little harder...
social life is not some vague oblivious thing you can just pretend you dont need... if ur gona be this bittr and weird you shouldnt be an executive in a "SOCIAL" Networking platform
Everyone can "afford to get flagged" - flags do not take anything away from you.
@sneak whats up bro? I wanna give you some advice. if you don't stop now, you are risking your position! Steemit Inc can replace anyone and there is a LONG list of deserving people who would love to have your position... Your position in your Private steemit Inc is not Stake based like here... Ive heard some rumors about your replacement and how Nice of a Guy he is and how just having someone who people on the platform actually like and who doesn't so why throw you your reputation away? Come on man....... I like to help everyone though, so please dont be an SJW .... I would like to know if you think being a Social Justice Warrior is going to help you man... please just back down and realize when you have the entire platform calling you out to calm down and just.... stop with the stuff u will regret later! You cant delete these words OR edit them! I saved the for everyone to see because i know you're thinking of editing your post now if you are reading this..... how can you do this man??? you let us all down? why? WHY cant you just realize that just because you DONT owe us all a better user experience, just because you DONT owe us anything extra, doesn't mean you should completely screw us over in the sentimental value,.... the sentimental value could be through the roof! But you're not thinking long term
You shouldn't tell people to "Die in a Fire" ..... thats permanent.... its forever because i took a screenshot and you cant delete this....
Before you get mad at me, just remember, Ever meet my friends? @teamsteem @thejohalfiles @stellabelle @fyrtsikken @neoxian @inertia @adept @tj4real @mcsamm @xpency @freedom @sweetsssj @berniesanders etc etc
(Hey man just pretend to get mad and start some drama! We need drama on steemit, youtube thrives on it, nothing makes steemians more interested in the content than seeing the politics of steemit!!!! ;) Peace bro, just trying to get some attention since i didnt go to steem fest :D
(Don't worry im secretly on your side ;) were gonna fix ur image up and save your PR :D First think is change that name! Create a new account to dump this one out of and pour all into the new re branded New Sneak,... Maybe we can call you Jeff ... or Gary ...
He is an expert at rebranding rofl
(@ tags removed because what an annoying reason to tag these people for)
Lol don't use other people that you have no affiliation with in any real manner like you are their friend since grade school. You needlessly put people in a place where they have to either side with you, side against you, or ignore you. Ignoring you is the likely option, but not everyone is on a brigade against SteemIt.
You have a lot of mistaken assumptions in your comment. You should do more research on the topic you are making claims about.
I wish I'd known that before I made the post. /s
Telling someone to die in a fire might just be textbook bigotry:
intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself.
How dare you talk to our CTO like that! You deserve to have your entire account flagged for that disrespect! In fact, sneak might just ban you for that!
Oh wait nevermind youre right, hah hey look im the first Highest Account to Flag this hatespeech!

Sorry to have to one up you, but it's for a good cause:
Removing this type of abuse from the platform.
Far be it from me to think that Steemit Inc employees should be bigger than to engage in this type of conversation to begin with. This is not the attitude of a professional company, but that of a 17 year old kid who stumbled upon something awesome while living in mom's basement. You may be a nerdy genius, but you have some learning to do about empathy and professionalism.
Such kind words, let us start a fire together and cleanse this place of us.
Stop shit posting. You have a lot of issues and shouldn't have anything to do with Steem or SteemIt. Such Official!!!
Everybody has a right to have their opinion.
I might see things differently the way you see them but that doesn't we should be bigot. We should respect other people's opinions.
P:S I am not a bigot.
And yeah burn them in fire
hummm? where is the logic in that,
throw it in water, if it drowns it's a witch, if it doesn't it's a witch?
witch is it?
I'm lacking context here, not that I care that much actually :D
A minnow described the new Steemit logo as "harder to see" and "***,"(which I think is suppose to be "gay") so @sneak flagged him along with many other minnows that commented on his post.
In this post @sneak is attempting justify his flags at the expense of a bunch of minnows reputations by calling them bigots.
oh, hahahahahahah yeah he's a witchy hunter then :D so I'm close :D
well that's how you take criticism, you just flag it, :| sure fosters a conversation, to be fair, at least it's not 4chan here :D there would probably be much worse comments, although I've never been there and there is always something interesting from there, like memes :(
Personally I don't like the logo either, but I have a problem with the color scheme more than anything, the logo never bothers me, so we have utopian :D and I can redesign a color scheme, anyways at least the site got updated :| I'm not going to comment on the main dev team I don't know them and I don't care pretty much, dan left :D he was the most interesting.
Well one short comment, take critique and listen to the bullshit as well, there is some truths in the bullshit, weed out the good from the bad, don't be hypocritical, dear dev team.
I still don't care what bigot means, but it's probably someone who's in love with their own world-view .. hah close enough I must be smart, better pat myself on the back :D
now what I had in mind, but props to Bill :) let's get to clothing and educating the poor while people are dropping bombs on them :|
I don't like the new logo either but I think some monotony bigots like it. Any idea why Dan left.?
EOS supposedly, I think he just bounces from project to project exploring possibilities, if you offer him a couple of millions or billions or inspire him to think the idea is worth that much and he trusts you he'd probably be on your boat :P
I think you have your reference a bit distorted. It's "throw it in the water, if it floats, it's a witch. If it sinks, it's not a witch, but it doesn't matter because the bitch drowned."
I knoe, I know, I ment to stress I don't like Social Justice words in general, and bigots being bigoted is nothing new, in this case it seemed to me one can only be wrong, hence where the comment stemmed from is what you have quoted, but I don't see any problem with skewing it a bit to make it a bit more interesting.
So yeah being offended when someone calls something gay, shouldn't that mean you think gayness is negative, if someone calls something gay with a negative light, taking it as a positive(gay=happy :D) would be the way to go, not calling others bigots and whatever, but damn the defensive scared shitless social justice people, afraid of words :D I don't condone trolling, but damn, can't we speak without having to limit and paint positively every shitty picture...
take the hint, I for one think the new layout is better, just that the color scheme burns my eyes with the acid it is :D and the logo is meh at best, ... it's a S with a chat in it, but steemit still haven't added the link to the damn site to greet people ...
anyways it's what it is, not my problem, shouldn't be anyone's for that matter, you don't like the Terms, the site, the "service", fuck it, let it drown either way you will be right :D if steemit team don't like constructive/ negative/ positive input they might as well not have any and go blind, repeating what other already have, just slapping their brand on it...
I know it's not fun working on something and then having negative feedback because some dweep thought that purple was cool and green was uncool or whatever ... still nice way to treat people, think how it would be on the other end of the stick.
So yeah I think this has received enough attention and enough people have seen it and commented for the time being ...
Is this some steemit drama I am missing? :P
But seriously? Bigots will always be. And they seem to never obey when told to die in an oil fire. Not worth the blockchain entry. But then again - you already have a nice payout on this one paragraph post so... you're literally earning from being pissed at bigots. Heh.
Your description is very good.
Totaly agree with u ! Keep it up
nicely said. ^^
I don't see anything quality in this post. I think you are just resteeming random popular post.
it's not about length, it's about idea and information. Thanks.
OK, but there's no reasonable idea on the post.
okay, got it. Thanks for your support.
oh flag off/./.
lolz idea and information lolz where exactly, quote it please :P
I think my comments here are better than the post :D
well comments in general have more ideas and information :| most of the time :D depends on who they come from :D
LOL< I got it man
Your description is very good 👍
hello @sneak
steemit has been a daily bread for some of us here who are less fortunate to be in Africa.
We will continue to show our appreciation by spreading here in #Ghana -West Africa, and even to our relatives abroad.
You are expendable and therefore worth following.i see #steemit about to disrupt facebook and you guys are great visionaries.
greetings from ghana,
I know this has nothing to do with this topic. But you killed it tonight with your DJ set at SteemFest², so much fun, and thanks for the tunes!
Dear @sneak Your art just landed on @streemmusic channel. this project wants to support it's artists, you will earn 50% of the liquid steem rewards of this post
thank you for these great tunes.
As this channel wants to contribute to a sharing economy you may care about some free riders which infringe my and your copright by earning most of the attention and rewards.
Accordingly some steemit users enrich themselves by our content.
greetings @streemmusic
Unsuprising that the very man who walked away from us in disgust because someone suggested that vaccinations may be linked to autism. This is classic projection as sneak is not able to accept the bigoted part of himself. According to the definition posted here, this applies to almost everyone I know. But the only person I can do anything about is myself. To notice when I feel like not tolerating someone else’s opinion and go inside and figure out what’s really going on. I can then have compassion for myself and then for others. Bigotry is just fear manifested. It’s scary having an open mind. So although I flagged this post for a bit of fun, I forgive the bigot within and forgive the bigot in you and others.
I excused myself politely because I had to go; this didn't stop you from harassing me the following day unbidden.
It is my sincere hope that all you pseudoscientific anti-vax nonsense peddlers lose or forget your passwords.
Instead of childish wishes of lost keys for someone with a different POV, why not respond to what I actually wrote?
I was not interested in wasting time speaking to you then; I was not interested in your drive-by harassment the next day, and I’m not interested in hearing from you now. I will flag all comments you make on my posts from here on out. If you want to continue, do it on your own blog.
I always find it interesting to see how the ego fights so hard to protect itself. I was not the only one there mate. And I wasn’t even the one that said I thought there may be a link between autism and vaccinations. You laughed in disgust and walked off. And if you think that asking you he next day about vaccination s is harassment then you have an extremely low pain threshold and I wouldn’t strongly advise you against having children or getting married.
With regards to calling anyone who disagrees with your POV pseudoscientific, how many books have you read that poses arguments from at least both sides of the argument?
Good job! Thanks to @martin.mikes you have planted 0.05 tree to save Abongphen Highland Forest in Cameroon. Help me to plant 1,000,000 trees and share my Steem Power to the others. Selfvoting is prohibited, but that should be the reason to spread the world to protect our precious environment. Check out profile of our conservation association @kedjom-keku and the founder/coordinator @martin.mikes to get more information about our conservation program. My current SP is 14273.39. Help me to plant more trees with your delegated SP.
Thanks a lot, your @treeplanter
It is a very good post ♫
one of japanes we accompanied party yesterday.
I'm glad to see you.
I would like to hold a festival in Japan.
So, please follow me. I’m @moromaro.
Ayyy @sneak, you’re featured in my Night of STEEM post. It was awesome meeting you, keep up the great work:
haha, awesome man!
Great job @sneak..😊😊😊
post your very interesting, I like your post, because it can add insight for me and all the people in stemeet, I love to read and see new things in my life, hopefully others also like your post, I hope posts next can provide thing better yet, so that I know many things in my life, thank you :)