Carrie here!

Man! The last couple of weeks have been rough, but I think I'm getting back to normal. Whatever that is...
I'm practically a week into 'the diet that cuts out all the things'. LITERALLY all the things. 😭 No salt, no sugar, no taste. 😭 For real though, I AM eating a very small amount of those things. I find it rather impossible to cut them completely. These things EXIST in things!
So yeah, self, I'm doing better. I'm feeling better. For better or worse (obviously better) this 'cutting out the fun' is working.
In the last couple of days, my list of horror symptoms has all but completely vanished.
- general fatigue and achiness
- scary blurry vision
- chronic headaches and ocular migraines
- high resting heart rate
- extreme brain fog/inability to think/work for extended periods
- clearer thoughts and longer work sessions
- more energy
- eventually a smaller butt!
My Dearest of all Diaries, I still have much work to do to continue getting better.
To Do
- Exercise regularly
- Eat regularly (my appetite still isn't fixed)
- Get outside more (that Vitamin D though!)
- Figure out my 'best diet'
- Keep track of my progress
Final Thoughts
I'm feeling pretty good. I've been exercising every day and trying to eat at normal intervals. I'm drinking TONS of water... and peeing in equal amounts. 🤣 I'm guessing that will even out once my body figures out how to absorb things again. Now, my legs still touch when I walk and boob sweat is the most unpleasant of things, but I won't let that stop me anymore... Or if I'm being honest (with me...cause who else am I talking to?), I'm going to try really hard to not let that stop me.
I felt GREAT being able to work for a full 10+ hour day! It'd been about 2 weeks since I was able to do this! Must remember this feeling of productivity and accomplishment and ride it till the next one.

Hello @carrieallen I'm very happy that you are already better, and with more energy, since you always have energy or that you transmit in your splinterlands posts !
Drinking water is very good, but eating at intervals must know how to supply the necessary carbohydrates and fat for your body. I hope you continue to improve and we can continue to see you here.
Thank you!
Yes. I'm not very good at eating to get the right things. For a while I was just counting calories, assuring I had enough... but not really caring where those calories came from. This is bad. Very bad. 😂
So... a wakeup call I had!
I very much love being here and doing what I do and I actually love being able to work all day... and know I miss it if I can't.
I may stick with the "Dear Diary" thing as I don't really know what to write about normally. 😂
Thanks for popping by!
Wow @carrieallen, I hope you get better as soon as possible, I'll be praying a lot here. You are wonderful and deserve perfect health and a lot of happiness. Kisses from Mary.
Thank you!
I accept your prayers and add them to my own!
And I also promise to help ME as much as I can.
Hugs! 🥰
hi Carrie, I don't pay much attention to food, but I try to do some physical exercise to have a certain physical well-being. Did you have any health problems? Or do you do a diet to not stress your body with low-nutrient foods?
I think 'health problems' is accurate. 😂
Grew up as sick kid with a slew of auto immune diseases.
Stopped taking all the things (meds) for about 10 years and seemingly got healthy.
Fast forward another 10 years... and I've forgotten all that worked for me. Plus, instead of working with teens (literally running all over the place), I now work from my office at home... All things added up turned into a 'perfect storm'.
Currently, this sudden change was from a handful of scary symptoms I experienced about a week ago. Specifically, heart problems.
So... I'm listening! 😂
I generally enjoy life and would like to continue IN it for a while at least. 🥰
thanks for explaining me. Take care of yourself.