Oh man...I want to read this article linked by you so bad! :D I am unable to reach the link now, and even Google's cache is being slow: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:4UHy3-Wb6FgJ:https://www.structuredwaterunit.com/articles/structuredwater/what-is-structured-water+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
Anyways, when the link is back up...I know others will find it very useful :) Thank you for commenting, and I gave you a good vote up for this! Your comment definitely needs more attention on this matter.
Aww That's too bad. I hope it works soon.
I always enjoy to read about food and water, and how it affects our bodies.
Thank you so much :D That makes me so happy, thank you for writing such an interesting post and open my eyes to structured water :)