Justification to build more nuclear plants. I notice they did not mention in the story of what the half life of fly ash radiation is from coal plants versus the half life of radiation from nuclear waste.
Either side on the debate of safer energy Nuclear verse whatever other kind of energy is going to have no clear winners. It is to easy for the pundits of one source to take advantage of the ignorance of people like me.
I would rather see coal fired power plants than nuclear power plants. Most of the acid rain issues from coal power plants have been resolved. The only time you even see the term Acid Rain anymore is when some politician is trying to convince a group of people that nuclear is the way to go.
In the past 20 years I have maybe heard Acid Rain and greenhouse gases from coal plants mentioned, well never when the subject was just politicians saying carbon taxes. So How has that "carbon Tax" hurt the coal industry or the coal burning power plants?
has that "carbon Tax" hurt the coal industry or the coal burning power plants?
ask Canada..they got one...we don't.
I understand that it made Al Gore very rich.
odd that.
Justification to build more nuclear plants
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don't use electricity.