Old neglected wind turbines —

in #discussion7 years ago

ticking 100 ton bombs

  • Industrial systems in Germany need to get technical inspections and safety approvals, but wind turbines don’t…

Who would'a thunk?

I had to do a DAILY safety inspection of my truck. They don't inspect wind turbines in germany?

in other news...

When life offers you a lemon...make lemonaide.

Lookit all those wind turbines...just sitting there.


............for some enterprising young lad to buy them up at a YUGE discount....remove the twirly parts...and replace it with a condominium.

Imagine the View?


WOW... look at all that WIND spilling out into the environment... such a tragedy.

So we now have a life expectancy for wind turbines, so now we can figure out the cost of the energy supplied by the turbines, thus determining if it was indeed a cost effective alternative energy source. As time and development of system improvements come on line we can add a 5% percent life expectancy factor every few years until it reaches the real life expectancy.

So wind turbines are ticking timebombs, but why do we not hear that about nuclear power plants or coal fired power plants or other type of power plants that can really explode? Is hydro electricity the least expensive and longest lasting form of renewable energy? I know the damn dams can break causing potentially massive loss of life downstream of them. Do solar panels explode? What is the average life expectancy of solar panels? Since the 80's we have had numerous and varied forms of energy production, as has Germany. So I wonder since the first erection of that windmill, how many newer or older energy systems have reached failure state in Germany, or is this just a scare people away from wind energy production and drive them back to the coal burning of energy production.

I think there will be a lot of varying opinions on this one, so heres mine! Nuclear is very cheap and efficient as well as safe. I know Fukashima/Chernobyl/Hanford. There are hundreds of nuke plants, all over the planet, yet we only hear about them when they "melt down". Most people don't realize how many there are out there! Ukraine alone has 4 and they produce half of the countries energy!! 4 of them and only 15 reactors!! If we can ever get away from using cescuim-137 to produce the reaction that of course would rid most of nay-sayers (should anyway) by itself. Did you know there are many teams actively working on making a fission reaction out of Helium-3? Plenty of that shit just waiting around for us on the moon!! Part of the reason China is becoming interested in the space game! ;)

Fusion hasn't happened yet in a controlled reactor.
Why not use LFTRs?

Fission u mean? I don't think I said fusion. What are LFTR's? Haven't heard that one!

3 mile island, but one, wind turbine falls over, one bird is killed by a wind turbine, then all the loonies come out from under the wood works. If it is alternative energy system, from Hydro, nuclear, coal, oil or natural gas, people go stupid over a small item that cause no damage or hurt no one, then start calling for massive regulations to price the alternative out of businesses reach. A nuclear plant failure, or leak or any problem quickly the apologist, and the spin doctors all crawl out from under their rocks to stand Firmly behind the industry. Just my own observation of course, I am sure I am totally mistaken about it. Fukushima/Chernobyl/Hanford/3-mile Island/Diablo Canyon and likely many others we never heard about. They hurt no one caused no damage and need no further regulations. As soon as an alternative safe reactor is built I can tell you that it will be demonized and blasted as unsafe by the current energy lobbies.

You are absolutely right about alternatives being attacked, but some are better than others anyway! ;) At least til' more developments can be made.That same energy lobby is attacking nuclear too. There's a guy on YT, https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=galen+winsor. He talks about running several of these facilities and has some interesting details on how energy lobbies lie to suppress nuclear. Very interesting indeed!

why do we not hear that about nuclear power plants or coal fired power plants or other type of power plants that can really explode?
because they can NOT explode?

Okay, I guess they can't "explode" but they can leak radiation, and kill people, make them very sick and have much further reaching adverse effects than a wind turbine falling down in the middle of nowhere, because that is where most of them are. I watch to many movies about exploding things and references to exploding things, I am sure somewhere along the way I knew nuclear plants could not "explode".

yup...radiation from coal plants is pretty serious.
Coal Ash Is More Radioactive Than Nuclear Waste

or so Scientific American said.

It used to be a pretty good magazine.

Justification to build more nuclear plants. I notice they did not mention in the story of what the half life of fly ash radiation is from coal plants versus the half life of radiation from nuclear waste.

Either side on the debate of safer energy Nuclear verse whatever other kind of energy is going to have no clear winners. It is to easy for the pundits of one source to take advantage of the ignorance of people like me.

I would rather see coal fired power plants than nuclear power plants. Most of the acid rain issues from coal power plants have been resolved. The only time you even see the term Acid Rain anymore is when some politician is trying to convince a group of people that nuclear is the way to go.

In the past 20 years I have maybe heard Acid Rain and greenhouse gases from coal plants mentioned, well never when the subject was just politicians saying carbon taxes. So How has that "carbon Tax" hurt the coal industry or the coal burning power plants?

has that "carbon Tax" hurt the coal industry or the coal burning power plants?
ask Canada..they got one...we don't.
I understand that it made Al Gore very rich.
odd that.

Justification to build more nuclear plants
do your part. help save the planet. Unplug
don't use electricity.

Let's use our wonderfully abundant CLEAN Coal ( sarcasm in case you were unaware )


perhaps buffalo dung.

Incinerate Politicians... And all the Paperwork they create ; )

Won't anyone think of the thousands of corn plants killed?!
well, that one won't kill any more birds.