flippant and ambivalent with a nuclear launch button at his instant disposal, nice. and it does not matter what political party you belong to, it is ultimately your actions that point to your ideology, and the Trump dynasty is inherently racist and supremacist.
Vitreol is not debate; and hate is NOT an argument. Barr is NOT a religious Icon (unless you are a liberal, apparently); and Trump was not mentioned in my comment.@streetstyle
IF you want to debate policy, good! BUT use specifics, and not verbal diarrhea (ramblings complaining about rambling).
so sad..too bad.
couldn't happen to a nicer socialist.
The deed is done. She should go somewhere and lead a quiet life.
She is a liberal, she does Not have the ability to close her mouth!
and what shall we call the conservative Trump? A gushing sewer?
Barr pales in comparison to the ramblings of that guy.
You could call him a lifelong democrat until around 2012.
flippant and ambivalent with a nuclear launch button at his instant disposal, nice. and it does not matter what political party you belong to, it is ultimately your actions that point to your ideology, and the Trump dynasty is inherently racist and supremacist.
His father was a lifelong democrat too, thus the racism and supremacy?
Vitreol is not debate; and hate is NOT an argument. Barr is NOT a religious Icon (unless you are a liberal, apparently); and Trump was not mentioned in my comment.@streetstyle
IF you want to debate policy, good! BUT use specifics, and not verbal diarrhea (ramblings complaining about rambling).
So here is your chance, convince me with facts!