required to take a minimum of two years of behavioral psychology to understand humans, and specifically to understand the fact that humans are in no way rational or logical... and the whole notion that free markets are "efficient" is pure bullshit.Sounds like an interesting book @dollarsandsense; I took a quick gander at some online reviews and I think you're quite right that I would enjoy it. I have always been of the belief that for ANYone to call themselves an "economist" they should be
My personal interest has long been in examining and understanding the psychological aspects of consumer behavior and marketing. Because I always watched people do things that make little sense... and when asking some of those people, even they agreed that what the did made little sense... and yet those were the actions they took.
Then this book is right up your alley! He has so many interesting studies and experiments in there that show exactly what you’re talking about. And he doesn’t write like a stuffy college professor, either.
He also talks about his split with the traditional economics field and how he came to that same realization that you did: you can’t be a economist if you don’t factor in the human factor.