In Mississippi Senate race, a

in #discussion6 years ago

'hanging' remark spurs Democrats...

  • The comment set off a furor in Mississippi, a state scarred by a history of racism and violence against blacks, including lynching. According to the NAACP civil rights group, Mississippi had 581 lynchings between 1882 and 1968, more than any other state.

Oddly enough the lynchings were done by Democrats lynching republicans and blacks. Odd isn't it how history has been revised? A shame isn't it how the news media perpetuates the Lie?

The KKK was, and is, the terrorist arm of the Democratic party. Today that position is held by Antifa.


I guess the political realignment wasn't in your history books, racist jackass

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It is Sad that a lot of people have no idea who actually is responsible for the KKK, and who defended against the same! Study History, or be damaged by you own ignorance....

And I agree, the antifa fools are no different than the Klan! The liberals have used violence as their primary political tool. First in the Klan, then their occupy attack on wall street, then BLM, and settling into antifa. But always resorting to violence, as a tool.

Which proves that they basically ARE tools....


tools would imply a tool handler.
Fools on the other hand , doesn't require as user.
I haz speculation.
"it's not what we don't know that we need to worry about.'s what we know that AIN'T so that'll hurt us"

Consider revisionist history, low information people and the general lack of understanding of (much less education in) science and technology.

Sure reduces the competition against our kids and Grandchildren, doesn't it, ROFLOL?

It is also what THEY don't know, that will hurt US; and it's what WE Know, that they fear!

Our state of what they call education, because they can't call it indoctrination; is a pitiful excuse for real education!


much like Drugs.
I'm FOR complete legalization for that very reason.

I am also for legalization, but only if those using those drugs, are 100% responsible for whatever they do when under the influence of said drugs.

This needs to include booze, DWI needs to be a felony!

But people using drugs, will destroy themselves eventually. Sad, but true.

Our government has no authority to regulate drugs any way!


DWI already is a felony in some states.
It's a shame that driving while distracted by a cell phone isn't one too

As it should be! It just needs to be everywhere.

I use a blue tooth on my cell phone, with voice dial, so they can be used without problems.

The idiots that want to text, and drive are the source of these problems.

Then there are some people that are unsafe to drive even without a phone, because they have no brains! I suspect those problem drivers are liberals...because they share a common deficiency.


I don't think lynchings were so much political as they were racist ignorance and mob mentality. Let's be honest instead of trying to use everything as an attack on one another's political agenda. Fact is liberals and conservatives are two ridiculous extremes. I'm a hardcore centrist.

if that's so then how come so many of those who were lynched were white republicans?

Facts are stubborn and very inconvenient things for ask Al gore.

Thanks for setting the record straight on this important point of REAL HISTORY, Everitt. The left doesn't want to talk much about the failures of their beloved Communism either, I note..