As it should be! It just needs to be everywhere.
I use a blue tooth on my cell phone, with voice dial, so they can be used without problems.
The idiots that want to text, and drive are the source of these problems.
Then there are some people that are unsafe to drive even without a phone, because they have no brains! I suspect those problem drivers are liberals...because they share a common deficiency.
can't fix stupid.
just hope they don't breed.
You can't fix stupid, but you can vote stupid out of office!
They unfortunately, do breed like rabbits, because they get paid by the kid!
We should stop adding money and just supply food, after the first mistake.
why do either?
A lot of truth here; but food would keep the kids going, and discourage more.
Right now, the stacked kids is a business that makes hard cash, SMH!
you can vote stupid out of office
comes to mind.
An enema would blow her mind! A real zero if there ever was one!
She does not know how bad she actually is...Earth calling!
I read an article, can't find the link..sorry, that Occasional Cortex is MUCH smarter than she let's on (pretty low bar) and that the reason she is acting like a ditz is that her targeted audience, the millennials, can relate to her much easier.
In other words she doesn't want to confuse them with facts so she baffles them with bullshit. And they lap it up. Which might say something about their dietary habits...
but I digress.
No problem on the article, I always believe you anyway, LOL!
There are some that are smart, and these are usually the ones that are possessed by Satan himself! They are the future Leaders of the DNC. They will, if not opposed 100% of the time, drag us all down into Hell itself! These people are way past evil, and are led by demonic forces beyond their control!
This is why we must oppose everything they want to do! EVERYTHING! They are a great danger to us all!
an alternate explanation of hell, are you brave enough to read it? It explains the data perfectly.