Trump is actually pretty smart. You don't turn millions of dollars into Billions by being stupid. Recall "the Apprentice'? Trump produced that. It was a hit until he was elected. You don't survive in HollyWeird if you can't swim with the sharks. I read somewhere that his IQ is somewhere north of 160. The reason he sounds so incoherent to most people is that he thinks so fast about so many things (multitasking) that his mental processes out run his speech.
The sterotypical 'absent minded professor'?
Teddy Kennedy met with Russia to oppose Reagan
Same thing with Obama . Remember that 'open mike' boo-boo, when he was speaking to Putin i think..
Should it surprise us that this crowd would do the same thing?
lol, what I'll say will make you laugh.
I feel guilty that I was a pawn and believed them when they talked about 'conspiracy theories' and other such and refused to listen...until I awoke just a few years ago.
Perhaps it is that guilt and perhaps it also is that I want to see that the globalists have totally failed and they are being punished...
I keep telling myself I must not die - I must live until that day...however long it takes.
At least it means that old age has not robbed me of the ability to dream.