cause and effect.
Trump got elected the economy began to improve.
it hasn't stopped yet.
Obama got elected and the opposite occurred..
it didn't stop until Trump kicked him out.
ispso facto presto chango.
( it must be true)
cause and effect.
Trump got elected the economy began to improve.
it hasn't stopped yet.
Obama got elected and the opposite occurred..
it didn't stop until Trump kicked him out.
ispso facto presto chango.
( it must be true)
The economy isn't improving. Interst free money from the fed, to pump up share, bond and house prices is not improving anything...
the economy is not improving?
Thanksgiving sets record for online sales - CNET
Black Friday sales bonanza set to hit a record - BBC News -
At $1 billion a day, online shopping has already set new record
I guess no one else but you got the memo
You realize how the unemployment figure are manipulated in the US system?
( obama implemented the new accounting changes- I think. - e.g 1 person has 3 part time jobs - that now shows as 3 people working one job each. Just an example).
You see it as you see it, mate, up to you.
(If you go any memo, it was sent from yellen, obama, bloomberg, and clinton... lol)
Time will tell who sees it correctly....
It won't be a grey area - I think the whole thing is a con.
And the collapse will be vicious..
(1929 is happy holidays time, in comparison)
( x22 financial reports - a decent source of economic information, i think)
The unemployment rate may be as high as "42 percent."
— Donald Trump on Monday, September 28th, 2015 in a press conference
ya think?
so you see the illogical standpoint of him now championing figures, that he knows are fake...?
Makes him look silly, and fake also
you get all your news about Trump from a hostile media.
recall how they reacted about him and Abe feeding fish in japan
do you think...
I mean..
is it possible..
work with me here..
what are the ODDS..
that they are lying about him?
I get none of my economic news from trump hostile media!-
( you quoted the bbc for something! lol - they still report the white helmets as a western aid charity, ffs!)
x22 financial is reliable data reports - troll through those over the last 2/3 years.
My economic data/perspectives are from pro trump sites...if anything.(remaining objective, non political )
the abe fish feeding thing was hilarious - and just shows them up for the disingenuous pieces of crap they are.
My take on the economics 'con' side of things is objective.
wait a minute.
did you just use the word 'logical'
in a political discussion?
lol - fair point!
I wonder (as I see it), your quite adamant 'defense' of trump has anything to do with 'old gits' sticking together? lol
I am pro trump also, remember ( but with reservations, and trying to see things clearly, with healthy doses of skepticism of the entire political circus)
Fooled too many times by these twats!
no - i used the word illogical - so that makes it more than OK!
ALL the unemployment stats are twisted to suit.
Trump hasn't changed them, but happy to use the same fake accounting, system and claims the accolade- it will blow up in His face, is what I'm saying...