Is Getting Better
The Enemedia lies to us every day. They not only lie about the present they lie about the fact they constantly revise it to fit their false narrative.
- Mainstream news channels are dominated by the idea that “If it bleeds, it leads.” Psychologists have long shown that people tend to read articles with negative tones over positive ones. Biologically, our brains are wired for a pessimism bias, which urges us to pay more attention to negative news.
That would more accurately be the 'enemedia' news channels. They are the enemy of mankind. To find accuracy it's necessary to read speciality publications...even then it's hard.
By ANY metric you care to use is better for more people on average than it ever has been in the history of mankind.

Excellent post.
I would say there is the things that are unseen in statistics. One is the velocity of money on local levels. Another is the slow erosion of the purchasing power of fiat currency. Another is the march into ever larger debts by governments around the world.
Back in 2009 I read a book that had a few sections with a big impact at the time. I went through some depression for a year and this was a book God somehow had me read. It was called Repeatlessness. The first chapter discussed scientific studies done in the 70s on animals that allowed them to conclude that humans have approximately 20,000 thought per day. They somehow were able to then determine that we only have about 10% of those thoughts that are positive. The rest of our thoughts, self talk, etc. are negative. It was exactly what led me to the place I was at. I allowed myself to get filled with negative thoughts.
No doubt that negative stories attract people...
No doubt. I also struggled w/this in my 20's.
The enemedia brainswashes you from NEW spot free detergent!
They are Not just selling doom and gloom; They are making a lot of it up, to push us all further into their muck!
They have so much invested, in the death of civilization; they can see nothing else!
>:( :'(
Never ascribe to malice, that which can be explained by stupidity
True with most of them for sure, there is nobody home!
When I accidentally see them "Reporting"; I am pretty sure I see venom drip off their fangs. Wait, do scum-vermin have fangs?*
I never got that close to one to find out.
I guess you don't need to get very close with a good varmit round...ROFLOL!
:) :D
But the do seem to drip venom and vitriol every time they speak....
So, if a news commentator is caught in a forest fire, and does not get out; does he get any time off in Hell, for time already served? Do they give him professional discounts?
@everittdmickey, Exactly you are right no one can believe truth of World and Life.
The general standard of living has greatly increased. Though there is inequality, that's not all there is to the story like msm portrays
In a world where everyone was equal
no one would be smarter than a journalist.
Imagine a world where there was NO inequality.
would you want that?
I am really appreciating your words and 100% agree. !!!!
Really, your collection of words and expression is wonderful.!!!
Great discussion..