of Liquid Water on Mars
existing, occurring, or done under the earth's surface.

the word terra means EARTH.
How it it possible to be subterranean on
They used the wrong word. This would not be big deal except that it is their JOB to use the RIGHT words. Journalists go to school for many years to learn the profession. Apparently the effort is wasted.
This is on par with a pharmacist filling a prescription wrong.
That NEVER happens..
Great catch. You are a snoot. That is a high compliment!
I've been checking back every few days, but you still haven't made any new posts (a previous comment doesn't seem to have registered), so I'm getting more worried about you.
If you're having medical issues, I might be able to help: my wife is a retired nurse. I'll be praying for you.
Looks like you have stopped blogging?? UHmmm... let's see a couple of months ago I try to come on here and post relevant material only to be shunned and treated very condescendingly by you.
Now I've got 10 times more SP than you who just a few months ago was touting how important it was to blog and build up some SP and be visible on the platform here.
My oh my how things can change. Anyway, not trying to rub it in but it's just the irony that astounds me.
I must confess I cannot help but think about that thing involving bridges and burning them....as a dolphin now if I Upvote EVERYDAY a Minnow like you that would have put well over $80 SBD/Steem a year in your pocket or more !! Wow, talk about using your brain or maybe shall I say NOT using your Brain lol
good health only
Yeah, he was a jerk to anyone who didn't follow his mindless right wing bullsh@t
....You were saying? lololol.
Trying to get back 50 SBD I transfereed to wrong account....?
You sound very shallow here, matey - posting in that tone, about someone that might be going through some shit we don't know about...
Your response makes you look very small and vindictive - and does not reflect well on you.. at all..
No...not shallow or vindictive at all bloke. Just pointing out people who don't add much value to steemit mainly because they are constantly putting down others just becuase they do not subscribe to the same narrow minded Beliefs and Ideology as they do. And they write two or three sentence blog posts explaining their beliefs which is marginal content at best.
If the guy actually spoke with some degree of credibility explaining why he believes the way he does in a half way intelligent manner then I would have a different opinion of him.
Many of the same Causes he believes in like Capital punishment, Anti abortion, strong defense and military I totally agree withc him on.
But he is one of the Trumpsters and white nationalists who has bought into the right wing radical bullshit and is inflexible to the notion that we are NOT living in a society of the white picket fences that were so prevalent in the 1950s anymore.
That ship has sailed.
Laura Ingraham and her cronies might as well get used to the fact that those demographics are NOT coming back. PERIOD !!
My advice ?? Get the f@ck use to it because it will only keep getting worse for these white nationlists.
Anyway, I will say what's on my Mind even if you think it's being vindictive and small as this is a decentralized platform where Censorship is strongly discouraged ! You don't know me from adam so you can think what you want. You seem to have that same deluded and warped outlook on the World as your buddy, Emmit. i.e. everyone in this World is crazy Radicals because they not believe in Ben Shapiro and Hannity or the crazy reality star who lives on Pennsylvania ave lol
Anyway, not trying to rub it in.
Rub what in?
Now I've got 10 times more SP
7,005.658 STEEM
(-221.405 STEEM
than you
483.496 STEEM
(+18,364.714 STEEM)
math is hard.
Math is not hard when your "renting"and NOT "owning" ;)
EDIT : I want to delete my post but then it might seem self serving. Anyway, regret gertting into this squabble. Other Steemians caused me to rethink what I said.
what's your vote power?
what's mine?
apology accepted..
EDIT " Well, looking back at this Post and my subsequent Comments as well as a fellow Steemian giving me a much needed 'attitude adjustment' ( lol) I seemed to let me zealous and over enthusiasm get the best of me. And it turned into somewhat being arrogant and a uncalled for rant. My bad. Apologies to the Owner of this Blog. I don't agree with you and really do not care for you in general just to be frank but probably best to just move on and not post stuff like this.
It's dangerous to equate journalism with an accurate transmission of information...very dangerous..
It is also stupid. Believing known provable liars is not a sign of intelligence.
yes never happens
Lol journalist are like reality tv!! Hahaha! That is hilarious! 😂😂😂
six decades of observation indicates to me that journalism have very little relation to reality.
Welcome back matey!!!!!!!!
We missed you! ....I hope everything is ok with you....?
Semantics aside; that is great news if there is water on Mars... This way when we start sending people there, we won't need to resupply them with water every few months.
If you say so.
Personally I think Planets are over rated.
I suppose I would have to agree if we just end up screwing that one up too.
what do you mean 'we' whiteman?
Hadda LOL at that.
Nonetheless, I confess to having done my part in screwing up my fav planet, Earth. In my youth I lumbered in the timber mines, slaughtered innumerable fish for commercial purposes, and similar and sundry occupational depredations.
However, I didn't start the fire. I was offered the option to be warmed by it, or die of exposure, because of vile management.
Is 'just following orders' a valid excuse for criminal acts when not following orders is a death sentence? Lumbering and fishing per corporate models were considered (and still are) lawful occupations. While that doesn't make doing those tasks in those ways right, I am unable to conceive of functional alternatives to me at the time.
Now, with the wisdom that comes of myriad failures, I would do things (and do) differently. Almost everything I build nowadays I use recycled lumber. I have built 6 decks this year, and only one of them used any new lumber at all, and that was the choice of the homeowner.
It would be nice if we could look forward to improved management of the next planet's environment we impact. I have no doubt Musk will do a better job as an autocrat than the competing pirates running Earth have.
What if there are living things in that water? It would be a crime beyond extant legal conception to inflict on extraterrestrial life present commercial and industrial extractive mechanisms.
We'll never know until it's too late, however, as unless we actually see living Martian organisms (and can recognize them as alive) we can only guess based on such data as we can acquire.
Some years ago Russia drilled to within a few feet of an Antarctic lake that had been sealed off from the surface for (presumably) millions of years. The reason they didn't just drill right in is that we cannot prevent living things from hitchhiking on our equipment, not to mention various other impacts our industrial methods would have on such an ecosystem.
Presently we have no certainty that there is native life on Mars. However, we didn't know there was a massive submartian lake either. IMHO, if we are going to act in a lawful and just way regarding potential life on Mars, we need to study far more carefully prior to digging latrines there.
We have already delivered living creatures to Mars. NASA cannot clean our probes of all life, and we have landed probes. There is no doubt at all that Tardigrades presently live on Mars.
There's a pic of the first Martian we can be certain is there.
Well really cant believe until see solid evidence of all these claims.
water is liquid...ICE is solid.
oh wait..that's not what you meant.
SHIRLEY when you read the linked article you understood the methodology they used to reach that conclusion?
European Space Agency... lol Cant even trust our own gov and certainly not gonna trust europeans who want to commit suicide by islam. 🙂
government does not depend on trust.
none of them do
they depend on fear.
All I want is peace on Earth.
not gonna happen.
never has
never will.
where have you been? I hope all is well.
You are a steemian who wants Steem to be better! 👍
..and you are not, going off how much spamming you have done with this message..
Oops, apologize! Excuse me!
This is just a game, no need to be serious.
Ok, the game is over.
If there's native life on Mars, it should be found in this lake. It would be great to definitively answer that question positively. As a biologist, I have so many questions that could be answered quickly with even cursory research of native Martian life: does it have DNA, for example.
On top of all the hurdles that mars colonization involves, we now have the risk of flooding.
Using the RIGHT words would get presstitutes in trouble.
Freeloading invaders must be called "immigrants", thereby lumping them in with the law-abiding people who take years and spend 1000s of dollars following all the rules for legal immigration.
People with various mental illnesses are now deemed "normal" and worthy of celebration. The former normies are the ones who have REAL problems, don't you know?
Dozens of other examples of misusing words can be found.
I'll just leave this here for your return...
You're famous!!!
Should it be Sub-Marsanean? By the way, how come you are posting so little these days?
You alright brother? I haven't seen ya post anything in a few days.
LOL - Good point.
Also, if you get this, hit us back. Some of us are wondering what happened to you.
Worried about you. You have been away from Steemit for quite a while.
Thank you. I appreciate your concern. As you undoubtedly know now I've been otherwise occupied.
Just in case you make another stop in check, I must say I have enjoyed your blog and your stories. I wish you the best on what ever new endeavours you are starting out on, or if it is health reason, I wish you a fast and speedy recovery.