Hadda LOL at that.
Nonetheless, I confess to having done my part in screwing up my fav planet, Earth. In my youth I lumbered in the timber mines, slaughtered innumerable fish for commercial purposes, and similar and sundry occupational depredations.
However, I didn't start the fire. I was offered the option to be warmed by it, or die of exposure, because of vile management.
Is 'just following orders' a valid excuse for criminal acts when not following orders is a death sentence? Lumbering and fishing per corporate models were considered (and still are) lawful occupations. While that doesn't make doing those tasks in those ways right, I am unable to conceive of functional alternatives to me at the time.
Now, with the wisdom that comes of myriad failures, I would do things (and do) differently. Almost everything I build nowadays I use recycled lumber. I have built 6 decks this year, and only one of them used any new lumber at all, and that was the choice of the homeowner.
It would be nice if we could look forward to improved management of the next planet's environment we impact. I have no doubt Musk will do a better job as an autocrat than the competing pirates running Earth have.