The Blockchain has obviously come to stay whether we like it or not and the earlier we start making steps to consolidate presence on it the better
Just like Social Media was a gateway to bring most people into the online world. Steemit has brought a lot of people like me into contact with the Blockchain. A technology we would have had no business with, had we not been Incentivised by the power of the STEEM blockchain
I have come to a point on Steemit when I am tired of the endless posting to make profit. I think that it is time we really starting working on ways to make business brands work on the this Blockchain that have come to disrupt every facet of our lives
Just like Facebook, twitter and other Social media sites where I find myself, I am always concerned about the psychology of Steemit. I have been studying a lot of things when it comes to maximizing the benefits of the shared economy this platform provides
I have noticed that the only businesses that are prevalent on this platform are those that have to do with things that will benefit people to get more from the reward pool (voting bots ). I have not seen any other form of business reap from the shared economy this platform provides
So I want to ask a Question : How do you think everyday businesses can gain rewards from the shared economy of people this platform provides ?
This goes beyond setting up an account to earn money with blog posts even though that is a part of it. I want to also know ways businesses can benefit from STEEM and the Humans of STEEM
I will be waiting for your feedback in the comments below. I will reply every comment and also give a full 100% to each comment
Thanks For Reading
Image Source : Pexels
Personally, I think the advantage this blockchain offers will be the zero transaction fee and instant transfer confirmation it offers. If a business decides to use the steem blockchain to send and receive funds, they are sure that the funds will be received instantly and in real time. They can then convert the value of the STEEM to traditional fiat using any method they prefer.
Thats true. I bought some things from @shopnowng with Steem @oluebubesyd
I think for a business to thrive,the method of payment has to be generally accepted. If you look at other social media, their method of payment is something that people are already comfortable with. The steem blockchain is still quite new and not well known to the world. We need to make more people aware of this 'blockchain thing' first, then all will be well.
Still searching to learn steemit and block chain, but not know too much. This oost is really helpfull. But tell me 1 thing " how can i get upvotes"
Anybody can help?
Asking won't help rather have your opinion and create original content it might take some time but in the end hardwork pays off handsomely.
Hi @Ogochukwu. Could I give you the opportunity to participate in a contest we're hosting on our channel? It's free to enter, but you have to answer this question.
“If you won $5000 to backpack anywhere in the world for 2 weeks, where would you go and what would you do?"
If you wish to participate, visit our channel and answer the question on our contest page.
The winner will be receiving 50% of the SBD generated from the post. The best answers, will have the best chance at winning.
nice post
Thanks for sharing
following you dear follow me back :)
In my opinion, I think a business such as an online market (like jumia, konga etc) but with blockchain payment and transactions could really thrive on a platform like steemit. It's just an idea but I believe if it could be thought through and implemented, it would hold as much weight as the regular online markets.
Online marketing has always been one of the major key for growing a platform exponentially, with advertisement and promos more awareness will be created and with more activities taking place on a platform especially steemit, it's certain that everyone will benefit from them one way or another on the long run.
Ogochukwu i sit you, i believe for every business man who know how to do business and who's his trade, will always invest. for businesses to gain from steem blockchain is by investing on steem through liaising out steem and buying of steempower. I have not had from you for a while now!!!!
You promised to curate my post i have not had from you since then thanks in anticipation.
Business is not just build on a great product it also needs a great marketing. If you have a great product and you think people will buy you are wrong, it will stay with you lifelong. I believe this platform can be used as a great marketing platform like every social media. And also by using steemit as a payment platform. Running ad campaigns and also I've seen many new startups have their steem account and post daily updates about their products and services.
Any forward thinking person will always think as you doing already
Firstly, the banking sector could incorporate some, if not all their activites using the blockchain
Also, institutions that run online courses could use the Dtube to accomplish their objectives
Airline companies could carryout bookings and so onTrue talk @ogochukwu
Yeah, I think the online stores have huge potential.
The problem comes when, for example, if I made t-shirts focused on a regional market the success of the store is going to be proportional to the availability and use of the blockchain from my final target market.
Maybe other thing that could work very well is crowfunding and support for foundations and cultural forums.
Yeah, I'll like to open a cultural forum for teenagers. When I was a teenager I had not a single space on town were learn, expose or try to develop some alternative ideas or that some guys could gathered and start a cultural movement. Most of the time I could promote the use of different cryptocurrencies between the assistant to workshops, expositions and all the stuff.
Business can gain from steemit blockchain a lot in a diversified ways. Businesses product can be displayed here and using steem as the currency. One can pay for such goods. This will be a great innovation in the business world. Thanks for your thought @ogochukwu
One of the ways a business can benefit from the steem blockchain is by creating educative and informative contents about their line of business. This will educate and give adequate information to their readers thereby positioning them as a "Master" in that line of business.
This is an indirect form of advert that will win followership and gets your followers to come to you whenever they're in need of your product/service.
This is how we are bringing businesses to the STEEM blockchain.