Serious question, think about it. Think of it from the perspective of someone who has no idea what Hive is. They likely don't give a damn about rewards, curation, proposals, or anything most of us talk about here. Would they care about your post about Hive?
Everyone here on Hive plays a small part in onboarding new users by publishing content that appears on search engines.
I know there are a group of people who hate that Hive is talked about and takes up spots on trending. While I understand their argument, I also expect some meta discussions about our platform to happen and is unavoidable.
If you follow me, you likely know I talk about a lot of topics and do not focus on any specific thing. One day I may be writing about the Raspberry Pi, another day reviewing a popular movie, and another day talking about Bitcoin.
I have a lot of different interests and I try to explore them by creating content that might be interesting to not only you my loyal reader but also someone searching Google on how to boot an SSD off a Raspberry Pi 4 that has no idea what Hive is. Maybe they might want to join the discussion and create an account. I know it is a long shot, but it doesn't hurt to try!
I say a lot that we need more users and more users will solve the majority of the problems we have here on Hive. Every post you create on Hive feeds search engines with valuable content that may be returned to their users. By creating content on popular topics, trends, and hobbies you create content that has a higher chance of attracting new users.
I don't get mad when I see another post about Hive, although I know a few people do. I would like it if users considered this more often and tried to create content that may attract new users to Hive and not just talk to the users we have here.
Even if you only create one post a week that is dedicated to this, that would help all of us in the long run. The more potentially popular content we feed search engines, the more they will refer their userbases to us. I've had a few users join Hive as a result of something I published here, granted it isn't thousands or even hundreds, every bit helps.
Another important thing is sharing your content on Twitter, Reddit, even Facebook, it all helps expose Hive to new users. I know Twitter is evil, but it is a tool, a really effective one at that. You are crazy to not take advantage of that. No where else can average Joe get the attention of so many big names in various industries with so little effort. It may suck but don't let that stop you from using one of the most effective promotion tools available for free.
Something to think about...

Why you should vote me as witness
If you frequently publish content about Hive, keep doing what you are doing but consider creating content someone who knows nothing about Hive might be interested in reading. If your content has a theme like gardening, I don't suggest you start writing a post about Bitcoin, you are already creating content that will attract normies.
Less than 50% of my content is about Hive. I've noticed that Hive-centric posts tend to get rewarded relatively well. I agree that the general public could not care less about particularly the deep dives into the mechanics of Hive. Some sort of introductory material could serve curious people well.
I do agree Hive content does well, I think that is partially due to the fact it is a common topic that is interesting to most everyone here.
There are many topics I'd like to write about here that I write about elsewhere. I suppose it will take a critical mass to form before people into those topics can be found here.
Btw, it was easier in 2018. I had many debates that were really interesting. But the bear market caused us to lose quite a few users. Maybe they'll come back next time around.
I find making a list helps a lot. Add to it whenever you have an idea for a post. Every so often spend some time brainstorming to add some more ideas.
When you don’t have an idea for the day, refer to the list.
I find the hardest part of writing every day is finding something to write about. Once I do, I’m usually in good shape.
I normally post 3-4 times a day. What I meant was that there are topics I'd like to talk about for the sake of those topics themselves and not because they serve as topics for posts.
I 100% agree with what you say, getting posts out there that are interesting to people that aren't about Hive is the number one way we are going to attract new users!
I do, however, love to talk about Hive too!
More users are essential, especially those who will bring in their following from elsewhere. If a musician brings in their fans then they can have some support that will pay more than what they get elsewhere.
I just blog about what I am interested in with no real plan. Others have more of a plan. Despite that I get people saying they appreciate the posts.
It is true that posts about Hive get the most activity as that's the one interest wwe all have in common. I'll happily talk about geeky hardware and coding stuff as well as esoteric music. I have found a lot of cool musicians and comic artists who I enjoy.
That's a question that I often have in my mind because lately, it seems to me like people are seeking the right moment to give their vote to multiply their income from rewards. Of course, these are some cases and there are enough who are dedicated to each post created by you, but still.. I personally when I'm not in the mood to check a post out, I just let it as it is until I have time to read it and support it with either my vote or comment.. I guess we are all different, and that can be also noticed from each action we make :)
In the earky days i was just upvoting and barely reading the posts itself, but now since I know that i cant upvote hundred of posts with the same value voting power, i upvote maybe 10 posts, but i read them all and post a valuable comment in each of them too
That's the spirit! :)
Personally, I'm always working to bring people in the TTRPG and creative-worldbuilding spheres onto Hive. Any content I create is done with a post here, and then promoted on my twitter/instagram with links pathing back to Hive and the posts I create.
I next-to-never blog about Hive as I don't see value in meta discussion that is already saturated - I like the niche I'm working on expanding, and so my focus stays in #ttrpg and #worldbuilding.
Yes..I do care of spreading about Hive and soon I am going to start an initiative called "Dare to Share" on twitter and on Hive... I am working on it.....
I understand where you're coming from but I mean, let people post what they want to post... If we start focusing on the content we publish for others to join, I won't onboard my friends anymore.
This is not a cult. People are supposed to have fun and/or earn rewards. They post what they want.
You are free to post whatever you want. The fact I suggested posting things that outside users might be interested in is by definition the very opposite of a cult.
It was merely a suggestion, no one put a gun to anyone’s head and told them to post about this or you will get shot.
I was merely bring attention to it so people can be aware of it.
I am posting every day and soon I plan to make a youtube video, or to promote hive in my every video in the end. With a 32 thousand followers there and 100 k views a month, i hope tp get some new people here
I enjoy quality Hive related content. The bar is higher for this stuff IMO because most of us here know a lot about Hive and it is a well-covered topic.
I stopped posting about Hive related content myself. However, I still read a lot of it and comment on a lot of it. Most people have observed decent Hive content does well, but I feel I posted about it enough. Maybe 1 time a month is okay for me, but it's been a while. Maybe I haven't been inspired recently. I felt burnt out after the hard fork and it's still too soon for me, lol.
I think the best posts about Hive are the ones that get a ton of engagement, debate and criticism. This gets us thinking about ideas and can lead to developments.
The only Hive related content I despise is the, 'I love Hive' dribble. As if this is going to attract anyone with intelligence greater than a llama to Hive. It is preaching to the choir and cheesy.
<3 I love Hive <3 ;)
For me it is the point a lot people do care what i have to say.
But i am "just" a german wroter on this chain, so many people do not care what i have to say.
I am under the Top 250 Replied people here, with "only" german content.
So i ask you, did YOU care about what i have to say?
This time, i ask for help us with the Marathon. I do not often asking for help, but the #Marathon is a Community action i like to organised last year ago too.
Would you give us a way to be heared from your dessicion? ;-)
Here you and other Hiveiand Steemians Blurtians find the Post:
Salve and have a nice Weekend.
Hi Marky!
I write about HIVE but I'm trying to be unique and creative.
I try to onboard new users in a whole different way.
... and I write about mannequin stuff too, hahahaha!
I 100% agree; well, 200.% :) For HIVE to be interesting to none-HIVE people the content shall be about all sort of topics, except about HIVE itself. As you, I’m interested in a lot of different topics and end up writing about them. This makes my feed also dynamic, which is another problem in our community. Maybe not a big problem, but still. I started to unfollow users that dont post about anything else then the same topic, in the same formatted posts. A lesser problem for the search engines, but when a user comes to HIVE, I think most of them like to see users not being too focussed on a single topic; We have communities for topics; A users feed should be less single topic imho. I would love it when all the discussions about HIVE is moved off the platform. I would love it when we create tools instead of using HIVE to inform on whatever (eg daily stats by various users, engagement leagues etc etc), all good stuff and information, but its polluting our content base. I suggested this to several stat posters, but didnt get further than: ‘Nice idea, I take it under consideration’. Am afraid these users dont want to make a reporting tool, since this cost time, and money to host the tool, and no revenue on posts anymore. Ok ok, am digressing from your post topic.
Again, agree with your message: Create posts about any topic but HIVE and promote this in other social media channels. Added to that, use some meaningful and top tags in eg Twitter. Always add #hive as a tag. For Twitter stuff, one may even get a bit more attention and rewards when signing up with the poshtoken service.
It is nice to see people beginning to understand that there is room for all types of people, and thus all types of content. Hive post are needed we are still a young chain, the depth of some of the Hive centric post is pretty amazing, but also the depth of some of the more esoteric post and just everyday post, the scientific post, and the artistic post. There is room for everyone, no one person or corporation saying, sorry we don't agree with your post it has been removed.
The content builders, the content users, the investors, the witnesses, and the curators, room for everyone. We don't as a group need to put people/post/thoughts/ideas down, we need to support each other and build an inclusive community.
Definitely not my comfort zone, writing about Hive itself that is. I have recently dabbled in it though, with mixed success.
I’ll get the creative wheels turning and see if I can drum something up.
Posting about non hive topics is great but we also need Hive related Updates by the big hive community drivers so the folks here are uotodate.
Agree the common User should more focus on their content spots and especially spread their stuff amongst the likes of reddit, FB, Medium, Twitter etc to attract new users. A variety of content is mandatory.
However our main focus as a community should be to attract investors and companies that might use this blockchain.