You should introduce yourself if you actually do. We get a lot of trolls around here.
I'm not really talking about a social media blast, I'm talking about branding, packaging, Marketing, vs. Advertising
Who do you report to?
You should introduce yourself if you actually do. We get a lot of trolls around here.
I'm not really talking about a social media blast, I'm talking about branding, packaging, Marketing, vs. Advertising
Who do you report to?
I understand. That’s actually been a huge undertaking since I started in this role. I report to our Head of Communications & Advocacy, who reports to Ned. I’ll do an introduce myself post very soon.
What is needed is not yet another disconnected introduction post but rather a comprehensive team page on an informative web site. Top five steps for almost any crypto investor is to attempt to investigate the team behind the blockchain/token. For Steem this process results in reaching a dead end and then said investor likely moves on.
That this still hasn't been done two and a half years in is mind boggling, but how about getting it done before three years.
Why is that @smooth? Why are there no back numbers? Names and Faces?
I can't answer that, I don't work for Steemit and I'm not part of the developer team in any manner (though I do occasionally make comments, usually ignored, on github issue trackers and PRs).
Okay, I'll remove my flags. Yes, we would love to hear from the marketing team.
An introduction post would be really useful.
I've been trying to promote my Steem content and Steem on other social media websites such as Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, Minds, LinkedIn etc. Here is the link to my new Steem Facebook page 'Best of Steem by Spectrum Economics'.