Kingcruiser, bad visibility

in #diving7 years ago

That was a tour, or rather a torture? Strong current, poor visibility and we all newcomers to this dive spot. Once we wanted to circumnavigate the ship but had to break off and return to the mooring line because I ran out of air. At that time I breathed for two more. I turned up with only 20bar. Good that nobody has checked.


The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.As you are a diving, you are enjoying the beauty of The sea, @dirkzett-english.

learning some important lessons too from your post about scuba diving

you are too skill in driving...... great video. thank for sharing den Tiefen des thailandischen Meeres. Ganz schön spannend das Video. Und das Geatme was man hört macht es doppelt spannend. Man erwartet jederzeit das Auftauchen des grossen Monsters. haha.

Ja das mit der Luft/Bar... Anfängerfehler? Wichtig ist ja, dass nichts passiert ist, oder?

Was macht man nicht alles, um 5 Minuten länger unten bleiben zu können.
Eher kontrolliertes Risiko, sollte man nicht machen, wie jeder lernt. Aber die anderen waren gerne bereit mit Luft auszuhelfen, wenn es beim Sicherheitsstop oder auch schon vorher knapp werden sollte.

Be aware and be careful, visibility is important in diving, but I sure you are professional diver, success always for you @dirkzett-english

this is the beauty of the underwater swimming :)

Tough time underwater too sometimes the video clearly showed that

i think you are to delighted in driving..... god bless you