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RE: Update | v0.7.0: The New DLive is Here!

in #dlive7 years ago (edited)

Soom a guy who had 500k subscribers on YouTube will be streaming on DLive thanks to me - yea i won't be modest. I was giving him some instructions while streaming on DLive - which will bring more eyes. Fresh eyes. So this chat for guests will be helpful BUT...
"watching" still does't work the way it should. It's basically views cuse I didn't notice it going down only up after refreshing. Unless there were actually over 100 people watching me at around 2~3AM which is possible since I had ever over 800 on twitch and over 1500 on YouTube.I was streaming when those changes were made and I was surprised. In positive way. I love how @dlive is evolving and I will keep on supporting it to bring more eyes to this platform.

Keep in mind that on YouTube he had on average 3000~5000 actual people watching, so here because of this "bug" (if it;s still there - gonna test it in my future streams) where watching is basically views, he might have like 30k "watching"

Still waiting for my DLive t-shirt though :P