Welcome to another DLive.io update announcement.
First of all, I wanted to share my thoughts on why this update is so important. I have been brainstorming with the Executive Team and Operations Team these past few months about self-sustainment.
As DLive grows, it’s logical that you may not receive upvotes as frequently as you once did. I want to build a platform on the Steem blockchain that is not solely dependent on upvotes. This does not mean that our Content Management Team will not be curating as much as possible, but I wanted to give our content creators more possibilities to earn rewards, but at the same time, increase interactions.
The purpose of DLive is to create a decentralized platform for content monetization whether you are a live broadcaster, video author or viewer. I want everyone who uses DLive to feel a sense of ownership, and to be proud to be apart of such a great community. It excites me to say that we are now entering a new stage of DLive, creating an engaging and rewarding community. This update is a step in the right direction, but no where near the finish line.
Here are the updates that have been implemented in v0.7.0.

New Features
To work towards the goal of increasing interactions between the broadcasters and viewers we have enabled the following features.

Gifting Feature
Show your appreciation for your favorite broadcaster with a Gift. These gifts are meant to be fun and will change periodically.
Request Feature (Coming Soon)

Off-Chain Chatroom
In a live broadcasting environment, broadcasters and viewers need to be able to interact in real time. This has been on our list for a long time but we are proud to announce the Off-Chain Chatroom.

Enhanced User Experience
We are always looking for ways to enhance user experience. With version 0.7.0 comes the biggest update we have done to the user interface.- Live Streams and Videos will now have their own dedicated page.
- The viewing page for Live Streams and Videos has been redesigned.
- The Personal Settings and Settings page has been redesigned.
- Subscription Feed on DLive.io with a new Subscription Page to view your followed users live streams and videos.
- Live Notifications: Users following broadcasters will now receive an email notification when a broadcast is started. If you do not want to receive email notifications, this feature can be turned off at any time. (Coming Soon)
- The Go Live page has been redesigned with an enhanced feature called the Broadcaster Interaction Dashboard.
Guest Accounts
Guest accounts will now be able to follow users on DLive. They will have their own subscription feed and be able to participate in live broadcasts using the new Off-Chain Chatroom.
DLive Stream Servers
On April 10th we did a soft launch of our DLive Stream Servers. We have taken the feedback provided by the Community to improve this service. We are still implementing features every day to have these servers in stable condition.
DLive Stream Servers are now more tolerant to unstable network connections. If your stream connection has been broken for less than a minute, there will be no need to re-start your broadcast.
The DLive Stream Recording feature has been improved. This feature is still a work in progress so previous broadcasts may be lost.
Transcoding Features are being implemented to improve the viewing experience for those who may not have a stable network connection.
If you have not had the chance to use the DLive Stream Servers, make sure you do on your next broadcast. To switch servers, simply click Switch Encoder in your Go Live Dashboard.

The recommended settings when using the DLive Stream Servers is:
Keyframe Interval: 2 seconds (THIS IS IMPORTANT)
Video Bitrate: 2500 to 2800
Authentication Needed: No
Encoding: Software (x264) or NVENC H.264
Audio Bitrate: 160
Rescale Output: 1280x720
Rate Control: CBR
Enforce Streaming service bitrate limits: Yes
Encoder Preset: Veryfast
Profile: Main
Recommended FPS: 30
When using the recommended settings above, ensure that your upload speed is atleast 3.5Mbps. If the recommended settings do not work, try lowering the settings but always keep the Keyframe Interval at 2.
Miscellaneous Updates
- Increased thumbnail file size limit from 1MB to 2MB.
- Increased video upload file size limit from 2GB to 4GB.
- Increase video quality by 50% under 480P option.
- Number of watching counter bug has been fixed.
- If you encounter bugs, please let us know about them. Reporting bugs can be done through the Help Center or via our - Discord Server #help-center channel.
Visit the DLive Official Shop!

Visit the DLive website!
@Dlive is killing it. It is a great user interface that the user will enjoy. I love the gift giving thing feature and I know many will appreciate this new features. We are now going mainstream mass adoption because of the updates like this every day. Its just a matter of time to see the price of Steem to go moon and beyond. Thanks @wa7
Yes i just read through and i feel in love with team @Dlive. They are always working tirelessly and always listen to the community. This update is a step in the right direction.
Thanks! @hiroyamagishi
just loving this project, it brings tears in my eyes :)
Exelente las nuevas actualizaciones, esto llevara a ser una de las plataformas de transmisión en vivo y un archivo de vídeos líder en el planeta en muy poco tiempo... esperemos nomas que los youtubers se enteren de esto pronto migraran a usar Dlive
No se si fue por que se estaban implementando las actualizaciones, es que no puede subir un vídeo que tenia pendiente de hacerlo, pero veo que a esta bien, recién ahora pude subir el vídeo gracias, pero la plataforma se ve genial
This is huge @wa7! Thank you and the team for your hard work! So frikken cool!
Thank you! @kaliju
Wow! This is the most exciting update you ever made, imo. The redesign is perfect, really slick, simple and pleasing. Also the gift feature is so much fun. Hope to see people use it and finally start interacting a bit more.
Anyway, great work @wa7 and teamDlive!
Hey, try: https://dlive.io/trending https://dlive.io/new seems to be also working .
Awesome guys, love all the new features!
I agree, the separate tabs for live streams and for posted vids is killer. Great job dlive.
Click the Image Below to see the Video!
Great news! Keep it up!
AMAZING, guys.
I think the whole Steem ambiance is translating from a reward-centered platform to a interaction-centered ecosystem. Im really proud that a more realistic approach is the new start-point from these updates, becouse, if you attract users with the promise of money, sooner or later the system will collapse.
Instead, by making updates based in a vision centered in people interaction + social media = BOOM! theres a real chance to make a top 10 web service, with the aditional monetary / decentralized incentives.
Glad to read this,
Going to check dlive after this. I envy those people who are good on videos and photos coz it is more fun than writing. One step at a time for me. Hopefully, I'll get there. Thanks @wa7
this is the best update ever. #welovedlive nice work again :)
WOW! This. Is. Awesome! Looks great! Love the off-chain chat.
I am over-the-moon on this update, well done and THANK YOU!
Soom a guy who had 500k subscribers on YouTube will be streaming on DLive thanks to me - yea i won't be modest. I was giving him some instructions while streaming on DLive - which will bring more eyes. Fresh eyes. So this chat for guests will be helpful BUT...
"watching" still does't work the way it should. It's basically views cuse I didn't notice it going down only up after refreshing. Unless there were actually over 100 people watching me at around 2~3AM which is possible since I had ever over 800 on twitch and over 1500 on YouTube.I was streaming when those changes were made and I was surprised. In positive way. I love how @dlive is evolving and I will keep on supporting it to bring more eyes to this platform.
Keep in mind that on YouTube he had on average 3000~5000 actual people watching, so here because of this "bug" (if it;s still there - gonna test it in my future streams) where watching is basically views, he might have like 30k "watching"
Still waiting for my DLive t-shirt though :P
Oh wow, this is amazing! I especially love the features that encourage us to interact more on a community level.
In that context I especially appreciate the fact that you guys - @wa7 and team - are always operating ahead of the times, anticipating the development of the platform and implementing features to respond early to these new trends.
Yes, of course, the platform grows and it'll become more difficult for you to find and curate all the good content submitted. Now this is actually a positive trend, and those who were blessed with your constant support had a great kick-start. And now it's on us to fill the eventual gap, create even more value through interaction and reward each other.
Loved and resteemed
Happy weekend :-)
The off-chain chatbox and gifting options are amazing! Keep up the good work Dlive!
Wow that was fast! AMAZING UPDATE DLIVE 10/10
I like what I see!
This is fantastic, heading to check it all out now! Thanks DLive Team ♡
Thank you for being a big part of the DLive community :)
Thank you for being so welcoming Tidy <3
DLive is just great I love the animated Gif thumbnail function so you already have a preview about the movie content...
That's it, you just turned this into a true killer app of the Steem blockchain. I was hesitant to upload videos here 'cause they clearly weren't the focus and were kinda hard to find. Now I can make my little home for all of my content, both for my streams and videos. Good times. :)
Thank you so much for your comment - Welcome to DLive!
Oh I've already been streaming whenever possible, so I'm familiar with that aspect of DLive's awesomeness. :) Only now I can bring over all of my content knowing it all gets its spotlight. Honestly, youtube will probably become a secondary thing for me now.
Blown. Away!
What an amazing update guys. You are crushing it on so many levels and I'm honored to be a part of this community.
I truly believe innovation like this is what will make everyone stand up and notice @Dlive on not only the STEEM blockchain but outside of our little circle too.
Huge win for Dlive!!! Flawless execution so far too. Really enjoyed the streaming tonight.
OMG!!! I love the new update! You guys rock! :) Will have to send rings to all my friends hehehe.
Wow @dlive, nice update. Especially like the chat and gifting. Gifting is so emotional (hugs, hearts, donations). Excellent idea! Thank you for the update. You have SteemApp's support!
This is great news for dlive users😇
All would be nice guys, but I think that you have to do something with the system of rewards. Ordinary people almost do not have a chance to get a good reward, because all the big ones are ALWAYS distributed among several groups of people.
For example - @jimmylin and @imjohnnymills , @cheech-oz , @desolator , @redjepi etc. I have nothing against these people specifically, but most community members do not understand how these people get huge maximum payouts (90 - 150$ and more) EVERY day for ordinary gameplays, while ordinary users creating similar and even better content can count at best on a minimum pathetic 5-10$ :))
Another group is the guys from Turkey. You know what I mean. They are upvote each other, comment on each other, thereby manipulating the system and receive huge maximum payouts.
All this is ABSOLUTELY NOT FAIR and you have to do something with it before the perfect platform turns into a corrupt system, where everyone is "ruled" by several people, and the rest who are not involved in this "mafia" have virtually no chances.
I conducted several investigations, and if DLive team is interested, you can contact me at any time. Also If I find the time, I will write a detailed article on steemit with all the investigations of how the "system of "elected"" works.
I apologize for my tone and for my English language, but it hurts me to watch at this injustice.
Woah woah woah, let's leave my gameplay out of this. My Fortnite duo game with @jimmyLiN is unmatched on any platform~
First of all, those names you mentioned are members of DLive team, hence the reason they are getting for high upvotes. No one would work for free, would you? So this is how DLive pays for it.
I've been observing your stream for the past week. You hardly play any "games". Even right now, when I am checking your livestream there is only a stock photo of some random casino photo with nothing else, no sound etc.
Image above is literally your livestream, by the way.
In regards of other groups, DLive does not use any kind of bots, all curation is done manually. So if the stream is active, people are watching and enjoying their stay. Streams will get an upvote. Maybe people didn't like your stream?
The view stats on the site are wonky as DLive is still fairly young; It is not always accurate.
I am not defending "DLive" as I write this post. But replying on your comment to give you more information on "why you are not getting an upvote".
TL:DR: People you listed are DLive team members, they get paid this way. Groups are a thing sure, but they are just active and what DLive team wants is the activity. And the curation is manual, not automated. So every stream is being watched by a member of DLive Content Team before they get an upvote.
Instead of blaming the platform because you are not getting an upvote, I'd suggest taking a look at yourself and your overall performance.
First of all, I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about the system. Do you want to talk about me and you? OK!
The picture does not matter, because there are NO viewers and you know this. For example here https://dlive.io/video/deathwing/fd4fab0c-4efd-11e8-afd0-0242ac110002 you had 40!! views. https://dlive.io/video/deathwing/d0172775-5143-11e8-b1e0-0242ac110002 - 23!! views. https://dlive.io/video/deathwing/66010892-4989-11e8-b752-0242ac110002 - 17!! views. This is nothing for the stream! But you always got 23$ even for 17!! views ))))) So why are you better than others, who play a SAME stupid game and play better than you, but do not get anything ??
""You hardly play any "games". Even right now, when I am checking your livestream there is only a stock photo of some random casino photo with nothing else, no sound etc.""
I do not play any "games". At the moment I'm playing casino only (And it's very popular on all platforms). What do you mean "nothing else, no sound etc"? I see my game and the stream.
"In regards of other groups, DLive does not use any kind of bots, all curation is done manually. So if the stream is active, people are watching and enjoying their stay. Streams will get an upvote. Maybe people didn't like your stream?"
So you mean people always like your stream? )) Are those fewer than 10 real people? Do not make me laugh ))
"those names you mentioned are members of DLive team, hence the reason they are getting for high upvotes. No one would work for free, would you? So this is how DLive pays for it."
Once again, I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about the system. No one will be motivated, unless the "spoiled" are guaranteed to receive a reward, and the majority should work for free. Or the elite throw them a bone once a week in the form of 5 dollars)) This is ridiculous and this is the way to failure.
"Instead of blaming the platform because you are not getting an upvote, I'd suggest taking a look at yourself and your overall performance."
Can you show me yours "overall performance" - something besides mediocre games, with millions of views and hundreds of thousands of real subscribers? I have on other platforms. What about you? I doubt it .. So please do not suggest me )))
This update will be amazing... I can envision it proving varieties of possibility for creativity. I am really loving this platform...
I'm sure you can find the answer in the post.Hello, @legko Thanks for your concern. Please take a look at https://steemit.com/dlive/@teamdlive/dlive-or-transparency-report-1-april-19-2018
Thanks for the answer. I read the article, but I (and not only me) see on the platform what I see. A group of content managers (and who is loyal to them) that makes mediocre content and support each other to take the bulk of the reward.
Another group from Turkey also support each other. These small groups take the bulk of the reimbursement, most of the users do not get anything, regardless of the quantity and quality of the content. Dmania was on the same path. gone now ...Hello, @wa7
If we want to grow, attract a really large mass of users from all over the world from youtube and other platforms, we need to do differently, because now it's a dead end way. I'm sorry...
PS. if you need Hispanic and Russian-speaking DLive Content Managers - we two can do it :)
Adamsın Dlive !
Hi, I'm the creator of the Dlive Chat Reader tool - https://zygmunt.pro/apps/dcr/. Reads the chat using TTS. Unfortunately, the new chat version is completely out of blockchain.
I have a question, is there any API available, how can I load messages from a new chat into my program? (PHP, Javascript)
@studio666 @yveslanthier ça pourrait vous intéresser pour de petites vidéos rapides sans montage.
The development of Dlive reminds me so much of how Twitch developed, with an interface that was simple and utilitarian in the beginning and gradually gained more and more features as time went on. Being the potential successor to Twitch for the decentralized revolution, this parallel development is a great sight to see.
I was initially worried if the "DThing.io" (Dsound, Dlive, Dtube) websites would run into great trouble in replacing some of our most used applications but I am elated to see how the talented developers have taken the time to tackle it straight on.
Take your time in developing the websites of tommorrow!
Great Work!
Me gustó mucho!! Felicidades!
Hello @wa7, hello @dlive,
be prepared :) It seems you do not really know how to secure your networks ;)
I'm really happy to have found this website! I believe in DLive! It's going to be a great time to share my music with fans from home!
nice update, I really like the new look Dlive
new Features & icon very interesting
New interface looks amazing, great job !
#better dlive :)
Really like all the new features focusing on interaction! The website is looking cleaner too.
Thank you very much for the information update @wa7. I'll inform and share this to my friends. More power @dlive! 😎
the refresh viewers bug has been fixed? really? thats awesome!!!
Pretty much everything, I wrote into the survey or on discord, is getting noticed in the update. I am surprised by the amount of updates in that short period of time. This is the way to go. Happy to see these changes. Keep it up like that, please. :)
That's awesome !! Thx for all what you do guys :D
Wish the images where a bit larger(especially the gift feature) but I see a heart a ring and a hug and is that the amount at the bottom of it? XD
Anyway cool update. I especially like this one:
I know a lot of people are still waiting for the registration link, so this kinda helps to get in touch with them while waiting to be signed up on steem
New webiste looks totally proper :) Thx @dlive!
that is so cool! loving the new features! :)
Maybe create mobile application
Congratulation wa7! Your post has appeared on the hot page after 41min with 217 votes.
MASSIVE!! Thanks for the update @wa7 amazing work and community response in action bro! :)
Soogood! Can’t wait to try it out tomorrow!!
Fantastic new features and I love the facelift, @wa7!
I'm basically in love with @DLive and proud to be sharing my content here!
Thanks for everything you do!