So, I got SWATTED. Here's the footage with audible or visual evidence and then I tell you what happened all together.
About 12 or so assault rifles pointed at myself and my mother with dozens of other meatheads screaming and being unreasonable.
Fucking nuts, dude.
My video is at DLive
“Thou shalt not bear false witness”
Whoever swatted you is a HUGE P.O.S.
and thanks for the 30 steem btw <3
I can't say I'm surprised by any of this. You've made mortal enemies with a lot of ultra salty professional harassers at this point so it was only a matter of time before one of them became so pissed they were prepared to risk a criminal charge in the hope that a trigger happy cop will find an excuse to put a bullet in you.
Exactly how someone ends up this pissed off over the internet activities of another person I'll never be able to fully understand.
Cowardly beta males will do anything they can to avoid intelligence or rational behavior.
I hope they catch the fucker who did this.
Sometimes I wish everyone would have to hold their ID into their webcam before they can log into the Internet.
This would be one of those "sometimes".
Huh, prolly called in as an "anonymous tip" I'd wager...
These things really need clamped down on, IMO.
False Reporting that is!
Sorry to hear this happened to you, police in the USA need much better training and less weapons of war. The police needs to figure out how to track people who make allegations like this against others, so they can be held accountable.
Felt like WW3 in my front lawn tbh, how would that level of force ever be necessary
I don't understand why they can't verify what is going on by checking your internet connection or looking at infrared or listening through you walls. All of these things are possible. So couldn't they just roll up and determine nothing hostile is happening relatively easily? They have all these surveillance tools that can capture everything at any given moment yet they still can't figure out a prank?
They're uneducated and illiterate morons incapable of thinking in any rational fashion at all.
People who do this should be charged with attempted murder.
That's not true. She specifically mentioned her mother being injured by the commotion.
that's exactly what it is tbh
Swatting is so fucked up. They need to enact a law that swatting is charged with attempted murder, a count for every victim in the house at the time.
Although most swatting hasn't resulted in shots fired, the situation is extremely tense and filled with confusion, so it's extremely risky for anyone being swatted.
From the police perspective, it's very hard to contain the situation and establish that it is a prank without putting officers at risk. The other part of the solution is to have proper training for first responders to establish some sort of uniform protocol.
It's not a simple problem to solve because when they are dealing with a potential life or death situation, time is critical. I really think someone that would have someone swatted should face life-changing penalties.
Even in the most dire circumstances, I don't really think more than a dozen armored soldiers with military grade weapons are reasonable tbh
They never know what they are getting into nor do they know the location. Having 12 show up makes it so you are less likely to get shot. If it was one or two people showing up to an unknown potentially hostile situation, how twitchy do you think they would be compared to knowing they have cover and someone watching their back and all unknown locations covered?
I'm not certain that you need such extreme military grade force combined with extreme violent rhetoric and assault of people doesn't really bode well for any real excuses IMO
While I agree with you, I also see the other perspective, I am sure whatever they called in was life or death or they wouldn’t have taken such an response. From a military strategy and safety of the team point of view, there is a safety in numbers and fire power. There is no way they knew there wasn’t a cartel or gang hidden there or who knows what else. It sounds stupid but I’m many parts of the country it is closer to reality.
When they stepped foot on your property, they are likely scared and confused as well.
Not saying it is right, and it should happen, just that there is sound logic behind it.
Fair enough, I can perhaps understand that to a point, though. When they get to the point where they threaten to kill an elderly woman, though... nah.
yeah, that's fucked up. They are about control, and as you said in your video, a lot of times they give conflicting orders. There needs to be more training. But the real villain is the one who did the swatting, they should pay a price that will scar them for life.
It's fucked, it's all fucked. People are fucked, America is fucked, the cops are fucked, fuck sake.
A lot of people don't take into consideration the risks of putting yourself out there for all the world to see. Yes, there are some fucked up individuals that do this shit for fun, but in my opinion the best thing you can possibly do to protect yourself and your family is to build a positive rapport with your local law enforcement agency, tell them who you are and make them aware of the potential risk for being "swatted" and this applies to EVERY streamer. I am sorry that this happened to you but the risk was there before you arrived at it, and the fact that your address was spammed in your chat should've been a warning to contact the non-emergency line for your police department as soon as it was in your chatroom.
People have spammed my personal information for months ever since I was doxed on kiwifarms, after 30 or so times, I didn't expect it now, but yeah.
Be who you are, no matter what comes at you. Be salty and mean, be sweet and salty. No matter the fact, you are who you are and I will love you all no matter what.
God damn that's terrifying.
it was, but I feel as if I handled it well enough to not get killed, so...
The person who did this needs to be in fucking jail.
Gonna be trying my best to see what I can do to make it happen, that's fo sho
What the fuck... This is just terrifying.
How weak and pour looser you need to be to do something like that ;/
Sorry for your and your mother loss ;/
we'll be ok, I think!
Holly F**k!!!!!
I don't know if it was with me, what I will be...
Here in Brazil, they first send two vehicles with like eight cops to see if it's true and them... if it's really a emergency call the call for backup.
I thought that American cops will be more prepared for that kind of "prank". That disappointed me.
Sounds like a better system over there tbh
I go away for a few days and come back to this. This is fucked up. Ultra sorry you had to go through this.
I hate this type of shit. It's endlessly freaky.
yeah it was pretty bad and my back's been hurt and getting worse ever since lol blehh
this is crazy, who would do such a thing.
I have lots of enemies, especially alt-right enemies. They have no morals.
damn... be strong and pray.
I'm not sure praying will do much, but trying my best
ok... ok .. there must be a positive side to this. don't get into the fear mentality. someone is actually fearing you. to pull this on, on you.
raise awareness of the swatting ordeal. maybe reach out to news outlets, get featured, even if you dont like the news, write a complaint to the police. and send a copy of the complaint to the mayor or something. or local governor.
that swatting bullshit must be stopped, and responsible persons must get prison sentence.
Working on that stuff, don't worry.
off topic i hate megaman. how did you manage to get good at them? every enemy is up to get only you and its unfair. he even cant shoot diagonally.and one hit kill the spikes makes me want to turn around the table! , oh and the bottomless pits of death. enemy push you in. how you deal with those?
how good are you on gran turismo 2? cheers. maybe you are not a fan of racing games.