
off topic i hate megaman. how did you manage to get good at them? every enemy is up to get only you and its unfair. he even cant shoot diagonally.and one hit kill the spikes makes me want to turn around the table! , oh and the bottomless pits of death. enemy push you in. how you deal with those?
how good are you on gran turismo 2? cheers. maybe you are not a fan of racing games.


Mega Man is awesome, bud, c'mon now. Just get good, of course :D

I like cart racers, not so much the more realistic ones. Ford Racing on PS1 is fun tho hehe

i still hate it and will continue to hate it.
the term of get good meaning can be stretched both ways.
i think games like megaman arent difficult but just plain unfair.
it requires a person to be trapped inside limits to excel in the game.
memorizing and puking it out flawlessly takes time, and time is precious nowadays.
so i boycot time stealing games. and i dont have trouble of getting good, i beat showel knight swiftly as it wasnt as repetitive and boring as the megaman, in my honest opinion. can i watch your megaman gameplay somewhere. i would like to learn it someday to beat it and get my revenge on it .

ford racing.. too bad i havent played it(will try). i grew up with gran turismo 2. and like sim racing as a result.
hey there was a lego racer on ps1 you should play it, it is awesome. links to all my runs, can find videos in each game category.

They aren't too hard, but they are definitely a practice-makes-perfect kinda game