Facebook Disables My Ad Account AFTER I Stopped Advertising Steem!

in #dlive7 years ago


Within a day of Facebook banning cryptocurrency ads, I stopped the ads for Steem. I did not make any new ads for Steem going forward and figured that would fully comply with Facebook's new no cryptocurrency ads policy. On the day Facebook disabled my advertising account, I had NO ADS RUNNING and was spending NO MONEY ADVERTISING!
Given this data, the only logical assumption about what happened is that Facebook RETROACTIVELY banned my account from advertising because of ads I did BEFORE the new policy took place!

Facebook Disables My Ad Account After $120,502 in Advertising Budget + Rejects Appeal!

Facebook Disables My Ad Account After $120,502 in Advertising Budget + Rejects Appeal!

What makes this more ridiculous is that my advertising account is one of the oldest on Facebook with years of history including $120,000 spent on Facebook ads, 872 million impressions, 111 million people reached around the globe, and hundreds of pages, videos, and websites successfully promoted. None of that had any impact on the "Your ad account has been flagged for policy violations message.

The funny part about this is that I have been making tutorials for years on Facebook ads on YouTube including several on what to do next after having an ad account disabled based on my experience working with clients that got theirs disabled. After making a tutorial on what to do next after getting an account disabled I am here today to lead by example after years of telling others what to do.

Given some clients were successful in having accounts restored, I filed an appeal despite the certainty that I would get a copy and paste reply.
Here's the appeal I filed.

"Will you give me some feedback about my account?"

Facebook Disables My Ad Account After $120,502 in Advertising Budget + Rejects Appeal!

I was not actually running any ads in my account when my account was disabled. I had all my ads off and my account was disabled while no ads were running. I ran a lot of ads for cryptocurrencies, which I turned off after the policy change.

Here's the reply I get from Stella. Is that a real name?

Facebook Disables My Ad Account After $120,502 in Advertising Budget + Rejects Appeal!

It's a copy and paste reply. There's nothing at all. Maybe this survey link was done.

I put this in March 27 and got a reply on the same day. This is just a copy and paste reply and I doubt anyone took more than a quick overview of the account and did not answer any questions.

I took the time to put a nice one-star feedback on the survey, but everyone else probably does the same thing. Facebook probably knows their support’s terrible and they just deal with it.

One thing I'm very grateful for is the opportunity to not pay Facebook any more money. I think Facebook may be one of the worst things that has happened on this planet. It is taking billions of people's photos, stories and effort creating content, and then selling all those people's content essentially to advertisers as data.

That means, billions of people around the world are doing a bunch of things for free that have made Facebook rich given Facebook’s massive power, and then those users are being influenced often by advertisers, which don't have their best interest in mind, selling them products and services that lead them into spending money on things that are not necessary, even selling products and services that hurt them and cause damage to their bodies.

I am grateful for the chance to not spend any more money with Facebook. I will not create a new ad account. I will not try to work around this. I will simply direct as many people off of Facebook as possible to other places.

I think one place that is much better is on Steem.

This is a massive innovation in terms of business model where those of us who create things, even if we only earn a little bit, we have the chance to get something back in return. We have integrated marketing where when we promote our product, we get a percentage of the ad revenue back.

When I spend money to promote on Steem I get a percentage back and no one can ban me from Steem although I can get downvoted. There are business models today that I think Facebook is afraid of. I think Facebook is afraid of these cryptocurrency business models.

Yes, there's been some cryptocurrency scams and ICO's, but I think Facebook is afraid of this cryptocurrency revolution because when people can work together, we collectively can take on the power of an online juggernaut like Facebook.

When billions of us start to see, "You know what, why are we giving away everything we do for free and then allowing a company to get rich off of it, and then have power and influence over us."

Facebook Disables My Ad Account After $120,502 in Advertising Budget + Rejects Appeal!

I do not take time to do anything on Facebook now without the purpose of getting people off of Facebook. I put automatic posts on Facebook, I do live streams intended to help people and essentially get people off of Facebook.

I don't use Facebook like a regular user to just look at photos and I think Facebook's an example of technology that seems like a good idea at first and all of a sudden we start to realize we're on our phones instead of participating in the lives of the people around us. We're looking at photos from girls we had crushes on in high school instead of noticing our friends and family who are around us.

I'm grateful Facebook has disabled my account today and I'm grateful I've taken it like this. I've had a lot of things get banned and suspended in seven years of having a business online and I feel good in this case. I did not break any rules to earn this. Facebook literally retro-actively banned my account for the ads I was running before they came up with this new policy, and I love this support request, "We don't support ads for your business model."

Facebook Disables My Ad Account After $120,502 in Advertising Budget + Rejects Appeal!

What is my business model? Facebook just copied and pasted a business model in there. What is my business model? I had no ads running. My business model is trying to help and do things that are useful and help others of us feel good. So, that's my little rant.

I also think YouTube and Google have a lot of the same things going on as Facebook. The difference is that YouTube actually does share the revenue back. When YouTube earns ad revenue YouTube actually shares that back with the content creators.

Facebook gives nothing. Nothing! Facebook sucks! Facebook takes everything and somehow tricks users into giving everything, photos, time, energy, even money.

You could say I'm one of the biggest idiots of all. There are few people, I realize there are thousands or maybe tens or hundreds of thousands, but relative to the amount of people on Facebook, there's few who have been dumb enough to dump $120,000 into Facebook ads. Now, I hope I've shared a lot of things that have been helpful and useful in the ads. A lot of the money I've spent on Facebook ads has been to share motivational videos with people, to share videos that make people laugh.

Facebook Disables My Ad Account After $120,502 in Advertising Budget + Rejects Appeal!

I've done a lot of ads on Facebook that have gotten attention because I don't do my ads exclusively with a pure profit motive. I do my ads to genuinely help share love and joy with the world and it makes sense that Facebook wouldn't want stuff like that on there.

When you see the things that are advertised on Facebook you can see that that's not a good place to be spending a lot of money as an advertiser, time and energy.

Now, I hope this video is helpful. I've had a lot of people following me that have had accounts disabled that have come to me for help. The main thing I notice that other people that I've talked to end up learning the hard way and taking a lot of extra time and energy, is this refusal to be flexible.

I will make no effort to attempt to ever advertise on Facebook again. I'm not going to try to get around this. I notice a lot of people following me get their account disabled, and then keep trying, "Jerry, I've created six more accounts and they've all got disabled."

Well, stop creating new accounts.

"I want to advertise on Facebook."

Stop. Just stop. Quit trying to advertise somewhere that doesn't want your money.

Thank God, Facebook has given me an opportunity. Everything bad that happens is an opportunity to learn and grow. This is one less thing for me to think about and consider, and now I do have a page with two million people on it where I'm lucky to have 50,000 people a week see my posts for free after all this ad spend.

I'm grateful to have this message to share today because when these painful things happen, we often feel ashamed of ourselves like I did something wrong. I did nothing wrong and Facebook did nothing wrong too.

Facebook just thought, whoever banned my account or however it happened, the people were just doing what they were told to do. People are doing their best, they're doing their best at Facebook and the question is, when this is the best Facebook can do, is this a business we want to support?

Is this a business we want to help grow? My answer's no.

Facebook Disables My Ad Account After $120,502 in Advertising Budget + Rejects Appeal!

I'm excited that Facebook is likely to go out of business and become completely non-existent at some point in my lifetime. I'm very excited about it. I think decentralized communities like Steem on Steemit.com, I think these things will replace Facebook.

They're an entire business model ahead. A business model like Facebook, I think, is extremely exploitive for every single user on Facebook, and you could look at it and say that I've been exploited quite a bit. I was tricked into spending $120,000. What do I have back out of it? Two million people following me online, many of which don't care what I have to say.

You could argue that I've advertised things to millions of people probably hundreds of millions of people who weren't interested in what I had to say and perhaps had no business seeing an ad from me. I advertised globally and I got my ads out all over the place with 111 million people reached.

Well, I'm grateful today that I've been cut off from using any more Facebook ads because I think I'm much better off this way.

I'm grateful for the chance to share this with you today and I hope this is helpful whether you've had an ad account turned off, or whether you're advertising on Facebook, or whether you're thinking about it, to think about some of these things in the bigger picture.

I love you. You're awesome. Thank you for sharing this with me today and I'll see you on Steem! If you found this post helpful on Steem, would you please upvote it and follow me because you will then be able to see more posts like this in your home feed?


Jerry Banfield with edits by @gmichelbkk on the transcript from @deniskj

Shared on:

Our Most Important Votes on Steem are for Witness!

Would you please make a vote for jerrybanfield as a witness or set jerrybanfield as a proxy to handle all witness votes at https://steemit.com/~witnesses because we are funding projects to build Steem as explained here? Thank you to the 6000+ of us on Steem voting for me as a witness, the 2 million dollars worth of Steem Power assigned by followers trusting me to make all witness votes through setting me as proxy, and @followbtcnews for making these .gif images!

Vote Jerry Banfield Steem Witness


Jerry Banfield Steem Proxy

Let's stay together?

My video is at DLive


Sometimes it takes a long time to really get to know someone or something - some people are really good at hoodwinking, but most of us eventually see the light.

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/abraham_lincoln_110340

Good riddance. (My recommendation is to quit them altogether.)

Greetings Jerry

I think facebook just reproduced something that unfortunately is very common in our society. We only have value to someone when we do something they like.

When their profile was no longer useful to facebook, they soon "figured out" a way to forget it.

Therefore, I always say that we can never have only one source of income because from one moment to another it can end. We have always studied and perfected ourselves within our professions and even created others so that we would not be in difficulties.

I do not understand this area of ​​facebook, but I hope that you can solve the situation in the best way possible.

Thank you and good evening!

It's time we put an end to those dinosaur services!

Facebook is scared of Steemit Social Media model, great to know. :) Greed is seen in every page of Facebook aka Book Face :)).

Here is my last embedded pined post in facebook transposition:
'' Zurkerberg - we might forgive but we will never EVER EVER EVER forget. So yeah; EXPECT US ''
G0T4SH4C4PTUR3PR0C3SS#2739(¨Êye GOTCHA({[my turn]}) IDîOTçÇ)

BLOOM TO MOON TO STEEMIT :/https://steemit.com/beststeemitblogger/@olivier10101/the-best-steemit-blogger-is-jerry-banfield-jerrybanfield

GO GO GO 22ND WITNESS :': KEEP IT REAL :"-.-) @jerrybanfield

captchat(RAT)(HAT)(BAT)(CAT)(TAT)captureprocess(@#{[5,7,9]scrambble}lineARRAYndom[1 , 26 ; alpha]}

It is actually worse than you describe it @jerrybanfield. They practice identity usurpation with integrated AI ROBOTS.
--- **** ^^^^^ PLEASE SHARE THIS INFO ^^^^^ **** ---.._

lol (o-O-o)

Thx for all you promotion of the STEEM blockchain on FB. What's funny is FB is so greedy they might have just accepted ad money, to put themselves out of business. FB has cancer, just let it die and STEEM on. This is why I delegated all my witness votes to you. You care! Thanks Jerry!!

Thank you for sharing this, @jerrybanfield. What you're saying is being echoed for many. The best response is to stay away and focus your energies where they matter--- Steemit! As you know and use the tools of DTube, DLive, DSound and more, there is a lot of opportunities in Steemit land. Thank you for your wonderful message!

You're welcome Terry thank you for dropping by for a comment!

facebook is stupid and can go to hell. fuck facebook

Facebook turned out to be a centralized Hive Mind. I am making it a mission to wake as many FB junkies up as possible and show them the world of Steemit.com and it's Blockchain. If your getting censored then this means their going for broke. Youtube as well. For a while, now Youtube has censored content but it is now in full advance. I truly hope that these gifts we have at hand now, aid us in overcoming this endeavour of extreme tyranical censorship and control.

Pardon my French but - fuck Facebook. I closed my biz page ages ago. After they wouldn't let me boost my art prints for sale because the image had "too much text"...

FullSizeRender (5).jpg

I'm in recovery (6 years sober today actually, ODAAT!!)and the resentment I was experiencing was SOOO bad I had to make a choice. I had to stop using my Facebook business page, I had to close my Facebook group, I had to unfriend over 4000 people.

It's me- I know it's me, someone else might just be like "whatever it's their business they can run it how they want" - but I couldn't stop thinking of how all the years of hard work I spent building my following, to finally taking the risk to do my art full time - and how Facebook ALMOST took that away from me. I was obsessed, and depressed. I was being gaslighted. I'd post about how no one was seeing my posts and 0.25% would comment how "I see all your posts" and the rest would comment that they always see me complaining about Facebook (once or twice a month maybe I mentioned it) but never see your art (I post art every day)... I figured the algorithms showed them "text only posts that mention facebook" because those are the ones they interact with, more than my art...

Sharing my art became a battle - me against AI algorithms. I was going crazy. Trying to find ways to write/share to beat the algorithms. I finally found Steemit and Minds and now I'm much happier, I stopped fighting, I share on Facebook to the 43 of my over 3200 followers who win the algorithm lottery to see my posts, and just spend as little time on there as possible.

I just wrote an article myself about the new paradigm in social media and why Steemit is better than Facebook lol Thanks for a rant I can totally relate to and thanks for all your efforts to get the word about Steemit out there. Happy 24.

that is a hideous tale ! keep up your spirits and thanks for your efforts

I don't like facebook! I never had trust in them. now its definitely clear why...

Okay, so the way i see it you done business with facebook and they were ok with it, until their business model changed and they no longer wanted your money, and you feel screwed by the way they done it.

You say you're grateful for the opportunity to not pay Facebook any more money; well, i weren't you grateful before this? That would have been a smart decision as well. And yes fb's collecting people's data and then sell it to third parties etc; but that's going on for years already. How come you only start talking about them doing the bad things only now after you feel screwed? If you had good principles, you'd've ceased paying them and exposing the monster they are ages ago, and not now as a revenge. Which means you're only like them, going for the greed. In this case why blame them - as you have the same business pattern .

''I am grateful for the chance to not spend any more money with Facebook. I will not create a new ad account. I will not try to work around this. I will simply direct as many people off of Facebook as possible to other places'' --- well, better later than never as how they say. But doing that for the wrong reasoning is that being somehow hypocritical in regards to the Steemit community, as you're not doing that for them, but for yourself, to somehow feel that you stroke back into Fb. You want to do something right? Close your Fb, Youtube and and all other social media accounts and focus only and solely on Steemit blockchain; and also quit the bot crap - asking money for upvotes. As with your bot, you're voting anyone that pays - and thus voting a lot of rubbish to get into the trending page while you're acumulating SP. That's not adding value to the blochain, nor to @steemit; and saying that this helps #minnows rising is bullshit again, because more balue can be added by eachother upvoting and engaging with eachother, instead of paying for votes and reaching the trending page, where anyway not many read the article in the first place and just upvote it only for the possible rewards.

''I am grateful for the chance to not spend any more money with Facebook. I will not create a new ad account. I will not try to work around this. I will simply direct as many people off of Facebook as possible to other places.'' --- LOL . We, who earn a bit, does not include you @jerrybanfield , you earn a lot (especially with that voting bot) that you can afford to spend $100 000 on advertising. You, it's not us the majority of the community, and what you say in this little paragraph is rather politician speeching. Let us not confuse things here; yes indeed you were like us once, but then with greed and perseverance, you became different. I'd love if we could have you back, yes. But that would mean to do some things that you're probably not willing to do, as they cut on your revenue.

Yes Fb, Youtube, Govts etc. are afraid of the technology of blockchain for the various reasons. But that's no news .

''When billions of us start to see, "You know what, why are we giving away everything we do for free and then allowing a company to get rich off of it'' -- Well, you're asking as to vote you as witness (for FREE), but then you charge us for the upvote (idk how much your bot minimum request is, but yeah is not free) . So why not we charge you as well for our vote to be a witness ey?

Anyway, It's a bit pathetic, reaching half of your post and all i see is games, demeaning, smoke and mirrors and no verticality whatsoever. And with all that, there is little value in your post, like many others, and yet it's trending. That;s what you and your alike made out of steemit. Don't complain anymore bout Fb, you're just the same. Want a change? Be the change (and be for the right reasons ) .

I know this comment will obviously go ignored by many. But who took the time to finish reading it, consider upvoting it so that it goes higher on the list so that others have their mind enlighted about what is actually going on, and what this post is playing to be.

Woz just left Facebook, that things sinking like the Titanic. Send your audience over here Jerry. They froze an account I'd had for years with no explanation and I never went back. Join Steemit, everybody! @evernoticethat


So frustrating, but, so glad for the new emerging paradigm of Steemit and other crypto social networks!

They are not cool anymore...FB is such a mess...I don't get their logic...

Thanks for this update @jerrybanfield. It's good to know what's actually happening over in steal your identity land. I haven't checked my fb profile in almost 2 years, not sure if my datavatar (like that? just made it up) is still active there or just stored in servers somewhere, but I almost want to go back just to tell people about steemit and leave some steaming (steeming?) poop emoticons for facebook. keep up the good work.

Incredible! I can't believe they actually did that to you, really unbelievable. Responding with what looks like an automated message by ''Stella''. Pffff...
Facebook is losing credibility each day that goes by. What really annoys me is that I still like to go on Facebook because that is where I can connect easily with friends and family everywhere in the world, be part of really cool groups of interest and receive or send invitations for events. I really hope there will be a new Facebook created. Like a ''Soulbook'', instead of the superficial Facebook as it is. Anyways, in the meantime, it is great to be part of the Steemit community :)

That's where people go wrong thinking Steemit will overtake FB. Totally two different platforms with different platforms/requirements. Most users on FB are like you and I just shooting the shit back and forth, liking and disliking posted videos/meme, etc., whereas here more than half the stuff posted on FB would get shot down as not meeting quality standards. Most don't give a rip about "quality" standards, nor do most give a rip about politics and the current scandal, let alone they banned cypto ads. Most are probably still asking themselves what's a cypto. lol. That's because there's no IQ standards involved being on FB and everyone can find someone/someones on the same level as they are intellectually, that's basically not allowed here, low IQ and off you go. That's what enabled FB to find such a mass, varied group of individual that encompasses billions of people. I never even look at ads on FB, have no interest in ads because that's not why I go on there, it's to see what people I know are up to whether they live near or far, converse, share jokes, videos and memes. That's where the vast majority on there stand and that's why they will survive. Those lucky enough to have found a niche of people interested in those ads just means some people use FB to connect to what interest them outside their normal social circle and I wouldn't encourage hanging that up considering the majority of those people aren't going to make it on here, better not to shoot yourself in the foot and count your blessings to the avenues FB opened for them. It's a lot less complicated and easier to maneuver FB then it is Steemit.

Wow! You really poured out your heart there! And that's another thing I like about Steemit, I feel like people are more transparent here...it might just be my impression...and of course, it's not everyone, but I do feel that a certain percentage are. Just to clarify, I do not think Steemit will be the new Facebook. I think that Steemit might not even want to be the new Facebook and that is fine. Steemit is more of a platform like Medium and Reddit mixed together. What I think though, is that all this ugliness happening in the Facebook world will have more people develop an interest in platforms like Steemit. I also think that there might be a new version of Facebook that will appear, probably a totally new and improved version by a talented group of people that are not facebook-related. They might even be creating it right now!

Is Facebook deliberately self-destructing I wonder?

Hello Jerry, thank you for the post. It's time for people to start considering adding alternative options to their list and create a serious competition for the older platforms so that they would either change or lose market share. The power of collective consciousness. Be sure to check my full post about this matter here: http://bit.ly/friendlyadvice

People like me are moving to decentralized platforms! No army can stop an idea which time has come!

My dear Jerry,this is one more evidence that we dont need FB and all other social networks that dont care about our privacy,and our money! OMG,you spent so much! It seems they only care if we make profit for them!...I will be following your work on Steemit,you are great person and you did so much for Steemit!

How come when i vote for you or any steemit shill i give a good boost 20 cents or more to your post. but when i vote on a regular accounts content they get 1 cent at max. However....Your welcome

Bill when you vote at the same time as others on my post just after it is published then the votes from others increased the cost also. I appreciate you voting on my post and being here on Steem with us!

Thanks for the reply Jerry... Your work with the Steemit platform is appreciated.
Question; Is there a unbiased review panel "with power" constantly searching, reading through content. for relevant or engaging topics, or conversations. Then up-voting and engaging regardless of self interest. If content creators/engagers do a "good job" someone relevant will realize and you will be rewarded.
I Do like steemit and want to see it succeed. I also want to know that the people with the most influence are not going to continue to abuse their current power and "grow" this thing. Imagine Steemit
"The Content Provider" short term pain for long term gain.
Excuse me if you already have this sort of thing happening. Just ideas based off my own experience.

Hi jerry, this is indeed a stupid decision, arrogance from Facebook.. afer spending that amount you would expect they treed people with more respect. Stop with FB and lets get Steem to be the next open and transparent competitor..

So what's our stance on Instagram, does it have the same exploitative bent when it comes to photos and ads? I don't know if there are separate Dev teams on each platform.

Facebook owns Instagram meaning they are one and the same in my mind!

thanks guy you give me inspiration we like you a lot
please vote on my new post let know if i tried
you are the one who bring me on steemit


thanks a lot

First of all, I agree. Why bother with Facebook if they don't want your money. Second, yes, Stella is a name. Have you never seen A Streetcar Named Desire, @Jerrybanfield? Stell-a-a-a-a!

I don't do much on FB anymore, but what you are saying is not exactly true. Facebook gives you a communication platform to connect with people. In return they collect data. We also post on Steemit for whales to get rich as well, so what's the difference? The "chance" to earn? I have made wayyy more money using Facebook than Steemit. It isn't even close.

It was nice to read, and I'm one hundred percent agree, keep away, it's burned out... FACEBOOK IS END.

good for you Jerry! Facebook is a scurge on society - good to have someone with your influence warding people off... you provide a great and valuable service - you will do well no matter what platform you are on.

Sometime better loosing something to realize what you havehad.

This is serious... But I think there's more to it than just that explanation given @jerrybanfield

If I were you I would be happy. You are better off without them. Those people are digging their own graves. Keep on doing your thing man. You are on point.

The FB mass exodus has begun. It will be a slow death as they make their way to the social graveyard, laying to rest next to Myspace. The morbid story does become bright though, as Steemit evolves to greatness.

@jerrybanfield ... lol ...Facebook face some big trouble last several months.

My apologies on an unrelated note -- what's the status of SteemJ.com? Is it still functioning? I'm trying to access it but it keeps showing the loading animation and does nothing else.

Wow! Nice..💐

Facebook is the worst, because of them I lost 5 the pages for 5 communities. Few months ago, I got a DMCA on 2 pages I was managing (they don't even check if the DMCA is "legit" they just close it) and becouse of that all admins on that page got their account was suspended. We ended up losing 3 other fan pages (pages we invested a huge amount of cash to promote), when we asked them to transfer the pages to a new account, they just deleted the pages and never replied.

When you get excited you sound like Emo Phillips.

Hi @Jerrybanfield, you are doing really great. I appreciate you for your hardwork

@jerrybanfield, i am @robus. I just want to know what i should do. I actually want to delegate my steem/steem power

Congratulations @jerrybanfield!
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 9 with 777 upvotes

Lol ... I think Facebook just doesn't like SteemIt's business model and the way they will take away users from Facebook (like me, I shut down Facebook and now only use SteemIt).

Btw, I just delegated my SP to your account! <3 ... I wanted to try this delegation thing.

And ... for the time being, since I like using Instagram and Whatsapp (which are both owned and bought by Facebook) ... I'll be using them until Facebook gives me a reason to not ... although it will be tough since those platforms I do prefer for just imagery (Instagram) and ease of communication with my digital nomad friends (Whatsapp)

Hi @jerrybanfield ! Thanks for sharing your personal issue with Facebook bans. This is a global thing and as you say Facebook may fade away sometime in the future. The good thing is we know decentralization is the way of freedom that is with us, and has been created to brake the rules of monopoly and empower people!

By the way, I wanted to let you know I Completed the first 10 Chapters of the Steem Guide to Help Users Make their Way and add Value to the Blockchain. Looking forward to your thoughts on it if you get the chance.

[Completed!] Making Your Way on Steemit - A 10 Chapter Full Steem Guide for New Users - Minnows - Make their Way on the Steem Blockchain!

Looking forward to hear your thoughts on the entire Steem Guide!

Regards, @gold84

They unpublished the page of my business, it was really hurtful, i kinda suffered a lot, and i had spent more then 1k usd in ads too, not as much as you but it really did hurt. Its amazing the powers we give to these companies.


It is absolutly not worth it to grow an audience on facebook. Took me 1 and half years to grow my fanpage organically to 12.000 likes there only to see that the reach is less than 1% of my followers. Facebook wants everyone to spend on Ads to reach people.

Great advice Jerry! I'm looking for marketing alternatives and have joined steemit. I'm having most success on LinkedIn, but I know it may be temporary and I need to look towards Dlive and crypto based solutions.