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RE: Facebook Disables My Ad Account AFTER I Stopped Advertising Steem!

in #dlive7 years ago

That's where people go wrong thinking Steemit will overtake FB. Totally two different platforms with different platforms/requirements. Most users on FB are like you and I just shooting the shit back and forth, liking and disliking posted videos/meme, etc., whereas here more than half the stuff posted on FB would get shot down as not meeting quality standards. Most don't give a rip about "quality" standards, nor do most give a rip about politics and the current scandal, let alone they banned cypto ads. Most are probably still asking themselves what's a cypto. lol. That's because there's no IQ standards involved being on FB and everyone can find someone/someones on the same level as they are intellectually, that's basically not allowed here, low IQ and off you go. That's what enabled FB to find such a mass, varied group of individual that encompasses billions of people. I never even look at ads on FB, have no interest in ads because that's not why I go on there, it's to see what people I know are up to whether they live near or far, converse, share jokes, videos and memes. That's where the vast majority on there stand and that's why they will survive. Those lucky enough to have found a niche of people interested in those ads just means some people use FB to connect to what interest them outside their normal social circle and I wouldn't encourage hanging that up considering the majority of those people aren't going to make it on here, better not to shoot yourself in the foot and count your blessings to the avenues FB opened for them. It's a lot less complicated and easier to maneuver FB then it is Steemit.


Wow! You really poured out your heart there! And that's another thing I like about Steemit, I feel like people are more transparent might just be my impression...and of course, it's not everyone, but I do feel that a certain percentage are. Just to clarify, I do not think Steemit will be the new Facebook. I think that Steemit might not even want to be the new Facebook and that is fine. Steemit is more of a platform like Medium and Reddit mixed together. What I think though, is that all this ugliness happening in the Facebook world will have more people develop an interest in platforms like Steemit. I also think that there might be a new version of Facebook that will appear, probably a totally new and improved version by a talented group of people that are not facebook-related. They might even be creating it right now!