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RE: FIRST STEEMIT POST: Shemaiah Kaye (at age 13 in 2013) - Wicked Game (Chris Isaac Cover)

in #dlive7 years ago

My head is on top of a veggie warrior body, which together with my mind & soul forms a unit.
This unit pushes creativity & wants to push other creators on steemit.
This criticism has nothing to do with baby girl here as a person.
I wish her nothing but the best from my heart.
This criticism is for the decision to take a 5 year old cover song as introduction, that you! put out 2-3 weeks ago already.
Yall could have done a duett :)))
No, seriously:
I wanna hear original content from her, 2018....
Makes sense for a 2018 introduction, doesn't it..!?
And it's the watered down, bubblegum ,copy & paste
content (talking in general here, no offense to noone)
that we know from what you call "corporate social media"
which is destroying real creativity & artists, pushed by
major labels...
Whatever. It's all good. 1 Love. We prob. agree to disagree...
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