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RE: FIRST STEEMIT POST: Shemaiah Kaye (at age 13 in 2013) - Wicked Game (Chris Isaac Cover)

in #dlive7 years ago

This is her first ever post!
We need more people on the platform.
The mature thing for you to do when someone new posts their very first post, especially a teenager, is to welcome them, encourage them.
What you have done is extremely hostile and very immature.
What you said was destructive criticism.
Do you know the difference?
Constructive criticism is advising the person on how to improve the performance of what they did.
What you said was an outright put down and very rude.Nah @luca1777.

Despite the fact that I personally prefer originals most of the time, to say that covers lack creativity is supremely ignorant and judgmental. Classical musicians almost only ever play covers. Are you saying classical musicians are lacking creativity?

Is Jeff Buckley’s version of Hallelujah not better than Cohen’s original? In fact, is it not the definitive version? (And I say that as an avid Leonard Cohen fan)
There are literally hundreds and hundreds of examples of where the cover versions of a song were equivalent to or better than the original.
And the judgment of better or worse is extremely subjective, which makes your destructive criticism dubious at best.

Moreover, this performance was recorded 5 YEARS AGO when SHemaiah was 13 years old! THAT was long before Wicked Game was turned into a fun in joke on MSP Waves radio in discord and perpetuated by some awesome Witnesses on our platform. Perhaps you’re not privy to this fact because you need to spend more time kindly connecting with people on Steemit rather than trying to make Steemians feel bad about themselves.
She’s really shy and really critical on herself so comments like yours will just scare her away, not only from Steemit, but potentially from performing.

Come on man! Where’s your head at?
How about you do the mature thing and admit you are wrong, that we should be welcoming new users and that trolling belongs only on the corporate social media’s.


My head is on top of a veggie warrior body, which together with my mind & soul forms a unit.
This unit pushes creativity & wants to push other creators on steemit.
This criticism has nothing to do with baby girl here as a person.
I wish her nothing but the best from my heart.
This criticism is for the decision to take a 5 year old cover song as introduction, that you! put out 2-3 weeks ago already.
Yall could have done a duett :)))
No, seriously:
I wanna hear original content from her, 2018....
Makes sense for a 2018 introduction, doesn't it..!?
And it's the watered down, bubblegum ,copy & paste
content (talking in general here, no offense to noone)
that we know from what you call "corporate social media"
which is destroying real creativity & artists, pushed by
major labels...
Whatever. It's all good. 1 Love. We prob. agree to disagree...
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