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RE: Put Them To Death!

in #dlive7 years ago

That was the wrong answer.
In your post you are calling upon murders of others. You wish queer people, pedophiles etc. the death. This is not acceptable so here are your consequences.


I don't call for it. God calls for it. Read your bible and read Leviticus 20:13. You are an ignorant fool. If you are not already a reprobate, I suggest you get saved by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. It is people like you that have the world filled with all this filth.

Also, do you honestly think this is the only platform I use to post BIBLICAL TRUTH? You can have them mark this video with hate speech as many times as you wish. I will keep posting it over and over and over.

The TRUTH is HATE to those the HATE the TRUTH.

your god created queers he did not create pedophiles. paedophilia is a choice! you sicko!

Says the faggot. God will never create that filth you idiot. He destroyed Sodom for that reason. You brute beast. You enjoy eating feces.

The bible will never tell you the truth. The bible was written by humans and is written for humans. It is partly contradictory and for sure not something you should follow.

That's because you are a stupid filthy reprobate. Burn in Hell! Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

No god, no sky, no hell :D
I think this would be the best solution for me. I vote for this.

I don't call for it. God calls for it. Read your bible and read Leviticus 20:13. You are an ignorant fool. If you are not already a reprobate, I suggest you get saved by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. It is people like you that have the world filled with all this filth.

Sadly you're not interpreting the bible correctly. That's a common problem these days. The bible is not written for reading it word by word, but rather reading it in the context of both the time it was written in, and the context around it. What you are not taking correctly is that what is written in the bible aren't gods words. It's gods words written down in humans words. You must not take it literally. For instance if in Exodus 21 23-25 it is written:

23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.

This does not mean you need to really do this. You don't need to hit someone back if he hits you. You need to look at it in context. Back when this part of the bible was written, it was common that if someone came and killed one of your sheep, you'd go and kill all of his. It was revolutionary that you started to only kill one of his sheep. But nowadays, you wouldn't even kill one of his sheep. Times change, and you must read the bible regarding the context!

Not only that but also Grace. Under the Law Second covenant this man preaches all are condemned to death, from the petty theft to the guy who was a serial killer.
Under the third covenant the covenant of the Blood of Christ men are forgiven for all sins and trespasses.

It is sad that men desire to put themselves in a state of judgement where they themselves will be destroyed.

Forgiveness is for all who ask for it. All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. Who is not included in "All".

I digress there are three covenants
1 to Abram and Righteousness was given to him because he heard from God and believed.
2 given to Moses and that all had to follow every precept of the law. Not one jot or tittle could be done away with. There had to be a daily sacrifice to put sins away and a yearly sacrifice to put sins away for a year but never forgiven or removed. Just set aside.
3 the covenant of the blood of the Lamb Yeshua Ha-Mashiach. Under this covenant The law brings you to the knowledge of needing a better covenant. Brings you to a place of recognition of your sinful nature. Opens your heart to know the Saviour of the world Yeshua. Under this covenant it clothes you with the Righteousness of Him that gave His Life for you.
So as a free gift from the Father of us all we receive forgiveness for all sins past and present. You can accept or reject it but it is there for any one who hears the call.