I don't call for it. God calls for it. Read your bible and read Leviticus 20:13. You are an ignorant fool. If you are not already a reprobate, I suggest you get saved by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. It is people like you that have the world filled with all this filth.
Also, do you honestly think this is the only platform I use to post BIBLICAL TRUTH? You can have them mark this video with hate speech as many times as you wish. I will keep posting it over and over and over.
The TRUTH is HATE to those the HATE the TRUTH.
your god created queers he did not create pedophiles. paedophilia is a choice! you sicko!
Says the faggot. God will never create that filth you idiot. He destroyed Sodom for that reason. You brute beast. You enjoy eating feces.
Says the faggot.
The bible will never tell you the truth. The bible was written by humans and is written for humans. It is partly contradictory and for sure not something you should follow.
That's because you are a stupid filthy reprobate. Burn in Hell! Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
No god, no sky, no hell :D
I think this would be the best solution for me. I vote for this.