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RE: Best Monitor and Capture Card Gear for Live Streaming Games Without Lag!

in #dlive7 years ago (edited)

You always have jam packed > awesome > helpful content for STEEMIANS.
T H A N K . . . Y O U
S I N C E you are always so popular and since my illness >
I am slow I will have to upvote myself, so, you can see me.
Please don't feel sorry for me for there are lessons to learn til moving on . . .
and . . . I get better every day.
Hope you can check me out
(since, most people assumed I left and forgot me.)
I am in a difficult place . . . asking for anything yet good place too.
Learning to ask for help is NEW to me.
Here is a recent post

It happens everyTuesday but I was a day late ...
and used that . . . did I say I was funny?
Hope it's to your liking. I try to be helpful in this state and post everyday for I've always been in for the long haul and helping STEEMIT Community.
Maybe one day I can make it like yours > with all the creative content but >
UNTIL then I will have settle for art/photoart/gIf/humor > 10 pics
or less while in recovery.
Could you give advise how to promote or send me to one of your web posts? T H A N K S . . . again, @jerrybanfield.