
Exactly what? That he only uploaded videos and not live streams?

Those are replacements from via steemit or steempeak or retries on dsites, and he is a she, and get back to me when youve tried it hundreds of times over a year and been responsible for training all the djs on two streaming networks trying to use it 24/7 all that time. Thanks for your input.

Well I can help you out if you have issues. I dont restreem to multiple platforms but I havent had more than 3 individual issues since I started streaming on DLive since January... So for me it has a pretty good track record.

He/she, I meant to say "they" because I did t know.

I also havent had any issues upload any video since Feb.

I dont deny people having issues, I deny the inability to make it work or find the right settings to make it work consistently.

I have over 150 live streams since January... What can I help you with?

@r0nd0n would be a good one to talk to... He has it figured out with msp waves.

You've been so busy reiterating your point, you didn't read mine. The streaming networks that I built and ran for two years are neither in my control anymore (msp waves) or in existence, (steemstar network) - but between them, we did more like 150 shows a month each. So thanks again for your input, have a nice day.

I dont see a single post where he LIVESTREAMED. I see a couple videos, I suggest he contact DLive so he can figure out the best way to optimize his videos for it... Other people have trouble and get it figured out- no need for the fud.

The issue with REPLAY hasnt been an issue for months... The VIDEO issue usually comes from bugs after updates they they fix. There are also suggested formats and size videos that work best on DLive. Again, you are overblowing a sporadic issue that is solved by opening a ticket or talking to the DLive team 100% of the time.