@goldendawne I have three cents to input.
- If "almost 50" is old I need a clone lol, I too am almost 50 and dont feel "old", maybe I am a clone? JK.
- The word "Illuminati" has been tainted through the media and through those in power that make claims that those who think outside of the box are somehow mentally troubled. Even if it is in your face real, they just call it crazy and everyone believes them. WHY? Well my guess is because most people covet money and power, and when money and power talk, they listen. They are called sheep for a reason, they cannot think for themselves. It is a tragedy, really. I have been screaming a the top of my lungs now for a while about my findings, and very few listen, even though I come to the table with absolute proof that you, yourself, could go out and verify. Yet, I still get those that just ignore, or deny it.
DO NOT give up! keep on putting out your understanding of the truth, but always be open to alternative information that is verifiable. Remember that the "Illuminati" are people whose name was given to them by people who ask questions, therefore already the thoughts and questions that are valid, are dismissed due to the incorrect tag placed upon them, they can easily say "There is no such organization." - Cloning is a very real situation. The genetic altering has been used for a decade or more now easily seen through Monsanto. Why can't people understand that the link between the use of genetically modified plants and the merger of Bayer and Monsanto to coalesce the the gene manipulation of plants into human subjects. Cloning people or genetically modifying them to meet certain corporate needs is just the next step. Why would the people in control of the money (the most powerful weapon in the world) not want to have people modified to meet their corporate needs.
The new slaves. Yet people see it as "cool" or "enhancing" all without entertaining the thought of how easy it would be to flip other genes on and off that would make them more timid and cooperative. Total control over billions of people is the goal, which is clearly stated on the UN's agenda 2030 website. One of the contributing author's of Agenda 2030, Zbigniew Brzezinski, “new and old powers face” an unprecedented situation; the “lethality of their power is greater than ever... the capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historical low.”, “...in earlier times, it was easier to control a million people, literally, than physically to kill a million people, today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.”
We are surely being duped and while most cannot see it, in my opinion, you will be lucky to open the eyes of one or two people, most who read this through, have a full or partial understanding of what is happening. Agenda 2030 alone is one of the scariest treaties we, Americans, have entered into. Cloning is the next step, how else would they keep us all locked up in cites?
Thanks for bringing attention to this. The rabbit hole goes much further though.
The power of persuasion comes to mind here. Just like a five-year old learning the alphabet and how to recognize letters and their structure; repetition, repetition, repetition. Why do you think all kids' songs have the same lyrics over and over again? The more you hear it, the more it is implanted (no pun intended) into your brain. So the mainstream media continuously says “this” and “that” repeatedly; whether they know the facts or not, because it is what they are “told” to do. Case in example... the 2016 Presidential election. No matter which newscast you listen to (liberal or conservative) they have their talking points and “feed” you what they want you to hear. Which is true? Depends on how open-minded you are and unless you personally filter out fact from falsehoods, you will believe what you were told because that's how we were raised and what we were told.
This is the first time I have had someone bring Monsanto into the conversation of human cloning; but you do raise an interesting (and possible) connection worth checking into for this research.
Seeing the name Brzezinski here brings me to another level. The name just bothers me to no end.
My group has had this conversation many times, and honestly, the only way we see this ending, is not well. Look at the post I resteemed earlier, from Nicaragua, they march without division to stop corruption when it gets to bad. Here, um, (crickets)... We will wait until it is far to late, believing in all the hype of deep states and Trump-o-mania. Until the people of America realize that the blue/red illusion is not in any way real, we will blame everyone else for our power structure's problems, rather than to stand up, in mass, and address the real problems. I think we live in a country of mentally incapable "citizens". Even though we have weapons and incredible numbers, we still fail to oust the evil that has darkened our skies.