Yesterday I made a post which was the first in my #donaldmarshall series and whether I was showing concern, letting my investigative reporter personality surface or wanting to be able to have access to DM, I questioned where he was and why I hadn't heard from him.

Rest assured... DM is fine. Approximately 14 hours ago he replied to my twitter feed saying...
He was sick and sleeping. So we can move on to the next step in my series of discussing DM, the Illuminati, Vril and so much more.
I want to discuss where is new and updated information on his reputed cloning experience and torture.
As you can see I am not delving into the topic too quick. I want to build the smaller details then lead into the bigger ones; because behind every story and theory are the small details supporting the facts; or falsehoods. I am not a person to fling accusations, condemn or ridicule another. I want facts and supporting evidence to make my own determination. I am very methodical that way.
Finding Updated Information About DM's Torment, Experience & Future
shares in this post, the amount of new information about DM, his experience with the Iluminati, human cloning and other facets from his experience are hard to find online.
Just as @mediahousent
To pull a quote from @mediahousent's post...
Not much content is available online on the man Donald Marshall; not as much as he talks about. However, we do know that Donald Marshall someday in 2011 typed an exhaustive post on Facebook; a post recounting his experience as a ‘hostage’ of illuminati, right from his childhood, and wham! Donald Marshall had become a focal point of reference in the annals of history. He has allegedly contributed immensely to several endeavors. Foremost of them is the science of cloning, cloning centers, music et cetera

Searching the ProBoards left me seeking more updated information. You can see that the last posts were made in January 2018, in which one post was a translation of DM's original Facebook post and confession. But nothing else new.
On To A Different Blog
I was directed by the ever so helpful FTG to the Astral Light blog and have been scouring the pages looking for more information.
On this blog, Norberto Santiago states this on the home page:
There are people (including innocent children) that are being molested, raped, tortured and killed at the cloning centers. These cloning centers are located in Deep Underground Military Bases. For example, Area 51 (which is located in Lincoln County, Nevada), Dulce Base (which is located in Dulce, New Mexico) and Montauk Base (which is located in Montauk, New York). Many of these bases have a cloning floor and that cloning floor is called a cloning center. Some cloning centers are above ground though. There’s an above ground cloning center somewhere in western Canada (possibly at Thirsty Lake), which Queen Elizabeth owns. She knows where the cloning center in Canada is and so does the former Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper. Queen Elizabeth, Vladimir Putin and high-up Chinese people pretty much RUN the cloning centers. In addition, Kevin Sullivan (ex-pro wrestler) is a rich, satanic cloner with a lot of pull with the Illuminati.
The Illuminati have been torturing Donald Marshall sporadically at the cloning centers. Don needs as many people as possible to help him inform the world about the Illuminati's secrets: Human Cloning, Cloning Centers, Vril Lizards, Parasited Human Hosts Of Vril (aka Drones), The Soulstone Microchip and Chipheads. Please help rescue those that are trapped and silenced with the threat of endless torture and death by sharing Donald Marshall's information and videos. The sooner this all becomes known worldwide, the sooner everyone will know the truth and those that are trapped will be freed.
But even on this website there were only six new posts for 2018, and a total of 14 for 2017. I've bookmarked the blog and will continue to follow it, read more posts from earlier dates and hopefully pick up some new topics to post about here.
I will admit I am impressed with this blog and have found it very intriguing. I wish there were a way to set up alerts via the blog to get notifications to my phone and laptop. But I have followed a person, Sasha Edwards @catmoonwarrior on twitter, who tweets things via astral7light.
So I have to go back to my original post when I had mentioned the old movie, The Stepford Wives, and start questioning:
- Why would people in a powerful position want to clone humans?
- What do they have to gain?
- Is this a new version of slavery?
- Is this a way to keep worldwide population to a minimum? (whether for reproduction reasons, the climate change concerns or just over-population purposes in general)
- To have a worldwide oligarchy society where the elites rule?
Oligarchy is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people. These people might be distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, education, corporate, religious or military control.
They, the Illuminati, even have a website. See what they say their purpose is. Now, of course they're not going to say...
- We want to rule the world
- We are the New World Order
- We want to control every aspect of every human being's life
- We want to control everything
Oh heavens no... they wouldn't say or do that. They have the website available (even with a click on link to join the Illuminati) for purposes of transparency. Hmmm... yes skepticism runs amok within me on that idea.
So why do the members of this co-called secret society feel the need to clone humans? Why do they feel they are superior? Why do they believe they are in-the-right of telling all humanity that they make and would be enforcing the laws?
Or am I jumping ahead... making assumptions that this is what they want? Am I presuming this because that is what I have read and found online under the label of conspiracy theory?
Being able to clone humans would allow the people in charge the opportunity to control thoughts, opinions and views; all the while keeping their agenda in full force.
Illuminati's Statement
Taken directly from their website; le's dissect it.
A human will turn on one of its own species for reasons that will never matter in a thousand years, and likely not matter in even a hundred or ten. While you have seen the Light in the distance and chosen to follow it — even if from mere curiosity — there are millions more whose backs are turned against its glow.
Turn on our own kind- As in civil war? Not having to deal with differences of opinions and views on government? Tariffs? Taxes?
Have seen the light and are going towards it?- Now this sounds like a gaggle of zombies staring at and slowly moving towards something they are desiring without even knowing it. Just a bunch of brain dead bodies moving towards what they are craving.
The Illuminati operates various departments and programs for the benefit of all people, in all places, from all generations. By protecting the interests of humanity as a whole, our organization has ensured the ongoing dominance of the human species over every other creature and predator on this planet.
By protecting the interests of humanity as a whole, our organization has ensured the ongoing dominance of the human species over every other creature and predator on this planet- As a whole... ensures dominance... yeah, nothing wrong with that statement at all. You don't even have to read between the lines.
Other recent posts about Donald Marshall
- Government Mistakenly Sends Journalist Documents On Remote Mind Control. Oops! by @shayne
- Analyzing the original confession from Donald Marshall. Part 1 by @dedicatedguy
- Hidden Subliminal Messages In Justin Bieber's "Where Are Ü Now": WARNING, Disturbing by @shayne
FTG's post here. Friendly, mature debate, discussion and viewpoints are encouraged.Disclaimer- this post as well as others with topics and tags containing Illuminati, Donald Marshall, Vrill, human cloning, conspiracy theories and other related topics of discussion on this page are a result of @fulltimegeek's quest to assist Donald Marshall, expose people who are tormenting or stealing other person's livelihoods and/or bringing justice forefront. See All posts and articles written on this page and shared on other social media websites and platforms must be known to be of speculation and hypothesis origins.
I'm not sure how you got onto this topic but I am finding it completely fascinating! I really look forward to following you as you search under stones and shed light on this.
I applied to fulltimegeek's call for writers to focus on Donald Marshall, the Illuminati, cloning and more.
I've always been fascinated with the Illuminati, the Freemasons and other secret societies in the world; or even what some refer to as shadow governments. I am not a full-fledged conspiracy theorist but my natural curiosity about the above mentioned groups, their dealings and otherwise unknown plans, has always intrigued me. I am a ferocious reader of history, conspiracy theory books and watching documentaries.
In my older years (yeah, I'll be 50 this autumn) I have come to be skeptical of anything the government says, the news tells us and I look for underlying signs of truth.
Well, congratulations on getting the gig. They've chosen well! I am really intrigued. I admire you for jumping on this. It's not an easy topic.
It is not easy for numerous reasons:
My husband puts himself in the position you are in a lot. I totally understand what you are up against ...all the reasons you list and more! Once you start digging it's like falling down the rabbit hole in Alice in wonderland. You never know what's behind that little door. Curious and awake minds are powerful. Too many people stay silent on uncomfortable subjects or drown themselves in distractions. I really do admire you for digging into this. Regardless of the outcome you are shedding light on something profound.
Do you know where that term originated from? The CIA told the "mainstream" media to use it against anyone not believing the "official" story about the JFK assassination as told in The Warren Report.
It's amazing how people grasp onto terminology and use it for future reference. I have never read the Warren Report but have watched many documentaries about it and that fateful day in history.
I had to look this up after your post. All ive seen is lots of conspiracy and conjecture, and this guy sounds more like someone who has a troubled mind and should seek professional help.
He is making a story out of his own fantasy and seeking attention and clicks. There are waaaaayyyy too many holes and missteps in his words to be believable.
I am not 100% sold yet. I have more research on my agenda this week.
Yes with all possible conspiracy theories there are doubts, skepticism, proverbial holes that people see, possibly find, etc.
Nothing is for real until proven. I am a concrete thinker and I need evidence in black and white in my face. I can hypothesize till I turn blue in the face but without supporting evidence... I have nothing. That's why all my posts have been tidbits and little topics building up to more supporting information.
Seeking professional help is probably a good idea for many people. I can remember all the times we'd see the man standing on the corner holding the sign the end is near... etc. People avoided that man. Why? For fear he was crazy? Or for fear he is right? It's all in your beliefs and how you interpret things.
"Illuminati's Main Objective: An Oligarchy Worldwide Society & Updated DM Info Absent From Web"
Many would think this title, by all intent and purposes, is alarmist, don't you think so too?
What concrete evidence do you have to support the claims in your piece?
I am sure you could help with any evidence if you do have any.
I am in no way or mean attempting to invoke hysteria or to alarm the masses.
Websters Merriman defines an oligarchy government as this:
2: a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes a military oligarchy was established in the country
; also : a group exercising such control - An oligarchy ruled the nation.
3: an organization under oligarchic control - That country is an oligarchy.
Now look at who the corrupt are of the world? Are they blue-collar workers who work 40-60 hours per week? Are they farmers who supply us with food, milk and other agricultural needs? Are they people who live paycheck to paycheck every week for years?
Then let's look at the list of members of the Illuminati- where you can see some well-known politicians. I'm not looking at the Hollywood scene or music scene either> I am focused on the political realm of members.
I'm in no way saying I have proof or a hand written letter from an Illuminati member. I am expressing my viewpoint, my opinion. If you were to ask 100 people who the Illuminati were... what would the answer be? Maybe that should be a new focus for me. A poll on who the Illuminati are. What people think they are.
And if you read my Disclaimer at the end of the post which was there from the first time I hit the post button, I do state
The two words speculation & hypothesis should have been keywords to show I am not being looking to alarm anyone.
I am very much looking forward to hearing what you have found regarding human cloning. I've done a little bit of research on this subject myself and its implications are truly terrifying. I believe human cloning has already taken place on a scale larger than most of us would be comfortable realizing. There is evidence out there. Hopefully this too will reach the surface sooner rather than later.
There are MANY people on steemit writing about human cloning, Donald Marshall and other topics including Vril also.
Finding facts to back all the information appears to be the hardest part.
You have stirred some curiosity in me for sure and I am looking forward to hearing you tell us more about your investigation, findings and thoughts. I think Cloning is a very scary subject, I will leave it right there :) You continue to amaze me with all you have your hands in and that you are really good at so many things.
I agree with you about cloning being not only a scary thought, but how would it effect people who disagree with people of power? Would those people become expandable?
Brain dead zombies or more aware of the bigger picture? I disagree with your post but respect your opinion. I see war and disease as a way of culling the field. If those things were to one day disappear, world population would explode and resources would become scarce. Then, we would ALL starve. I believe that the Illuminati have steered us since the days of Solomon. They have helped us to progress while still maintaining control only now, they are attempting to make that control public. But, that doesn’t detract from what they have already accomplished. Further, for millennia, the symbology behind the Eye of Ra and Eye of Providence has been one of good fortune. For instance, sailors would commonly paint it on their boats to ensure safe travels.
I think there are two groups. One is considered the Old World Order which is made up of leaders of industry who have been allowed to reach their positions of power while simultaneously raping the land, destroying our water and contaminating our air. Humans are similar to rats in labs in that by nature, we rarely do things as a whole to benefit humanity. We are, as a whole, more selfish than that. The mechanics that work best for our progress is action vs reward.
Of course there is good in the world done by many individuals but in general, we do allow others to do horrific things without consequence. And frankly, I think they know that. Which brings us to the New World Order. The one stated in the paragraph above in which control has now been brought out into the light but that doesn’t mean it is new, we are just more aware and have been enlightened.
Have you read The First Testament of the Illuminati? They make very good points throughout. You can disagree but doing so without research seems a bit foolish to me. Perhaps experiencing something yourself vs just using someone else’s perspective would prove beneficial.
First, thank you...
This is another possible.
When you consider all the possible ways to shrink population it is an endless list.
My reference to the zombies was only meant as a comparison to the way the Illuminati would have a strong-hold over the general population; NOT that zombies were coming.
As for reading the Illuminatiam- yes I have. It being a self-published book does not make it 100% truthful. I can write what I want and publish to Amazon, google books, and other similar online book publishing places and have it available in print just as they did.
Did I agree with what all was said and written in the book? Can't say I do. I read the book a few years ago and would have to refresh my memory on certain points.
You have made valid points about the Old World Order and us, humans, being the guinea pigs or the rats.
Hi @templarloyalty
No oath; Only research.
Thank you for your honesty.
Do you work for the government either directly or as a contractor?
I respectfully have to disagree with...
That is a scare tactic used to control the masses. I personally experienced the fake 1970's oil "shortage." The shortage was real. There were several places with long lines and limited supply. However, the shortage was totally man-made. The scare tactics of limited oil was used to raise the prices and make the oligarchs huge profits. Today, we have more oil than ever. Fact is they discovered huge reserves in the 1970's but decided to cap the wells rather than create a glut in the market. It's just no longer a useful strategy for the Illuminati to talk oil shortage when they can use the current scare tactic of "man-made" climate change much more to their advantage.
Overpopulation is just another scare tactic they have used for decades. Truth is, "they" want to cull mankind, simply because we are no longer needed for their long term plans.
Yes I know about the Georgia Guidestones- yet another documentary for me. An anonymous person went to a local marble and stone company to have it erected and built. There is speculation as to whom the man was that wanted the stone structure built, etc. and to have the new commandments written in various languages (the most common ones) on the stones. I believe it was the number one commandment that had people most concerned- regarding the elimination of billions of the population. I'd have to go back and read an article to remind myself; as it's been a couple of years since I saw the documentary.
The supposition that the Illuminati wants to cull a majority of the population isn’t factual anywhere minus conspiracy theorist websites. It’s all doom and gloom because fear and misery sell to the masses. With regards to my research, it is a big picture thing. The organization’s loyalty isn’t to any particular country, group or God. As such, only the continued existence of our species is what matters to them. Also, unless Earth has an infinite plain that I am unaware of, eventually space will run out should all diseases be cured and war is considered obsolete. The one thing that remains constant is that the population continues to multiply even when it is fiscally irresponsible to do so. Hence, war and disease.
It’s futile to discuss this further. We can discuss this as much as we please but making people aware changes nothing. The steps needed to accomplish their goals are essentially out of the reach of normal people. It has been delegated to groups of politicians. They may change out but the agenda remains the same; It operates above law and oversight. Should anyone get too close, they simply remove the person who is causing attention and use any number of tactics to distract and dissuade the general public until the offending issue is forgotten. They have used these tools and strategies for nearly 3000 years to adapt, survive and conquer through numerous civilizations. Do you honestly believe that YouTube videos and discussions on Steemit are going to change anything? No. It won’t.
I am not affiliated with any government, Wizardave.
The Guidestones are after a cataclysmic event has occurred. Stones that guide what is left of society to rebuild and repopulate the Earth. The rules are a reminder of how to live in peace with the assumption that we do not repeat our past mistakes of 1. corrupting our spiritual self and 2. allowing the population to grow unheeded.
@goldendawne I have three cents to input.
DO NOT give up! keep on putting out your understanding of the truth, but always be open to alternative information that is verifiable. Remember that the "Illuminati" are people whose name was given to them by people who ask questions, therefore already the thoughts and questions that are valid, are dismissed due to the incorrect tag placed upon them, they can easily say "There is no such organization."
The new slaves. Yet people see it as "cool" or "enhancing" all without entertaining the thought of how easy it would be to flip other genes on and off that would make them more timid and cooperative. Total control over billions of people is the goal, which is clearly stated on the UN's agenda 2030 website. One of the contributing author's of Agenda 2030, Zbigniew Brzezinski, “new and old powers face” an unprecedented situation; the “lethality of their power is greater than ever... the capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historical low.”, “...in earlier times, it was easier to control a million people, literally, than physically to kill a million people, today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.”
We are surely being duped and while most cannot see it, in my opinion, you will be lucky to open the eyes of one or two people, most who read this through, have a full or partial understanding of what is happening. Agenda 2030 alone is one of the scariest treaties we, Americans, have entered into. Cloning is the next step, how else would they keep us all locked up in cites?
Thanks for bringing attention to this. The rabbit hole goes much further though.
The power of persuasion comes to mind here. Just like a five-year old learning the alphabet and how to recognize letters and their structure; repetition, repetition, repetition. Why do you think all kids' songs have the same lyrics over and over again? The more you hear it, the more it is implanted (no pun intended) into your brain. So the mainstream media continuously says “this” and “that” repeatedly; whether they know the facts or not, because it is what they are “told” to do. Case in example... the 2016 Presidential election. No matter which newscast you listen to (liberal or conservative) they have their talking points and “feed” you what they want you to hear. Which is true? Depends on how open-minded you are and unless you personally filter out fact from falsehoods, you will believe what you were told because that's how we were raised and what we were told.
This is the first time I have had someone bring Monsanto into the conversation of human cloning; but you do raise an interesting (and possible) connection worth checking into for this research.
Seeing the name Brzezinski here brings me to another level. The name just bothers me to no end.
My group has had this conversation many times, and honestly, the only way we see this ending, is not well. Look at the post I resteemed earlier, from Nicaragua, they march without division to stop corruption when it gets to bad. Here, um, (crickets)... We will wait until it is far to late, believing in all the hype of deep states and Trump-o-mania. Until the people of America realize that the blue/red illusion is not in any way real, we will blame everyone else for our power structure's problems, rather than to stand up, in mass, and address the real problems. I think we live in a country of mentally incapable "citizens". Even though we have weapons and incredible numbers, we still fail to oust the evil that has darkened our skies.
Perhaps I was 3 months ahead of my time.
My 3rd post here on Steemit, which received 5 votes, but no reward. haha
You may find this helpful...Hi @goldendawne
It is a massive book, so will take some time to digest, if you decide to.
Fritz says right on the front page of the pdf...
I will be following your quest for truth with great interest. Hopefully, you will not mind if I toss you a tidbit of information now and then...
This is really investigatory and detailed information enough for someone just getting to know about Donald & his whistle blowing on the secrets of illuminati group. Are you an FBI? Your approach seems like one, or probably you have worked as a journalist. Lol.
I really appreciate this article, way better than mine. Would have to dig deep now on this and revamp. Now following you @goldendawne
In a previous life I was a newspaper reporter- not investigative labeled, but I think it's just a natural instinct for newspaper reporters and journalists to have a strong curiosity.
No, never been FBI or anything close to that.
I think I have a natural insatiable appetite to learn more about the unknown; and specific topics really intrigue me. The Illuminati being one of them.