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RE: Illuminati's Main Objective: An Oligarchy Worldwide Society & Updated DM Info Absent From Web

in #donaldmarshall7 years ago (edited)

Brain dead zombies or more aware of the bigger picture? I disagree with your post but respect your opinion. I see war and disease as a way of culling the field. If those things were to one day disappear, world population would explode and resources would become scarce. Then, we would ALL starve. I believe that the Illuminati have steered us since the days of Solomon. They have helped us to progress while still maintaining control only now, they are attempting to make that control public. But, that doesn’t detract from what they have already accomplished. Further, for millennia, the symbology behind the Eye of Ra and Eye of Providence has been one of good fortune. For instance, sailors would commonly paint it on their boats to ensure safe travels.

I think there are two groups. One is considered the Old World Order which is made up of leaders of industry who have been allowed to reach their positions of power while simultaneously raping the land, destroying our water and contaminating our air. Humans are similar to rats in labs in that by nature, we rarely do things as a whole to benefit humanity. We are, as a whole, more selfish than that. The mechanics that work best for our progress is action vs reward.

Of course there is good in the world done by many individuals but in general, we do allow others to do horrific things without consequence. And frankly, I think they know that. Which brings us to the New World Order. The one stated in the paragraph above in which control has now been brought out into the light but that doesn’t mean it is new, we are just more aware and have been enlightened.

Have you read The First Testament of the Illuminati? They make very good points throughout. You can disagree but doing so without research seems a bit foolish to me. Perhaps experiencing something yourself vs just using someone else’s perspective would prove beneficial.


First, thank you...

I disagree with your post but respect your opinion.

This is another possible.

I see war and disease as a way of culling the field.

When you consider all the possible ways to shrink population it is an endless list.

My reference to the zombies was only meant as a comparison to the way the Illuminati would have a strong-hold over the general population; NOT that zombies were coming.

As for reading the Illuminatiam- yes I have. It being a self-published book does not make it 100% truthful. I can write what I want and publish to Amazon, google books, and other similar online book publishing places and have it available in print just as they did.
Did I agree with what all was said and written in the book? Can't say I do. I read the book a few years ago and would have to refresh my memory on certain points.

You have made valid points about the Old World Order and us, humans, being the guinea pigs or the rats.

Hi @templarloyalty

  • Are you simply a fan of the Illuminati or are you directly involved with them?

No oath; Only research.

Thank you for your honesty.
Do you work for the government either directly or as a contractor?

I respectfully have to disagree with...

I see war and disease as a way of culling the field. If those things were to one day disappear, world population would explode and resources would become scarce. Then, we would ALL starve.

That is a scare tactic used to control the masses. I personally experienced the fake 1970's oil "shortage." The shortage was real. There were several places with long lines and limited supply. However, the shortage was totally man-made. The scare tactics of limited oil was used to raise the prices and make the oligarchs huge profits. Today, we have more oil than ever. Fact is they discovered huge reserves in the 1970's but decided to cap the wells rather than create a glut in the market. It's just no longer a useful strategy for the Illuminati to talk oil shortage when they can use the current scare tactic of "man-made" climate change much more to their advantage.

Overpopulation is just another scare tactic they have used for decades. Truth is, "they" want to cull mankind, simply because we are no longer needed for their long term plans.

  • Are you aware of the Georgia Guidestones?

Yes I know about the Georgia Guidestones- yet another documentary for me. An anonymous person went to a local marble and stone company to have it erected and built. There is speculation as to whom the man was that wanted the stone structure built, etc. and to have the new commandments written in various languages (the most common ones) on the stones. I believe it was the number one commandment that had people most concerned- regarding the elimination of billions of the population. I'd have to go back and read an article to remind myself; as it's been a couple of years since I saw the documentary.

The supposition that the Illuminati wants to cull a majority of the population isn’t factual anywhere minus conspiracy theorist websites. It’s all doom and gloom because fear and misery sell to the masses. With regards to my research, it is a big picture thing. The organization’s loyalty isn’t to any particular country, group or God. As such, only the continued existence of our species is what matters to them. Also, unless Earth has an infinite plain that I am unaware of, eventually space will run out should all diseases be cured and war is considered obsolete. The one thing that remains constant is that the population continues to multiply even when it is fiscally irresponsible to do so. Hence, war and disease.

It’s futile to discuss this further. We can discuss this as much as we please but making people aware changes nothing. The steps needed to accomplish their goals are essentially out of the reach of normal people. It has been delegated to groups of politicians. They may change out but the agenda remains the same; It operates above law and oversight. Should anyone get too close, they simply remove the person who is causing attention and use any number of tactics to distract and dissuade the general public until the offending issue is forgotten. They have used these tools and strategies for nearly 3000 years to adapt, survive and conquer through numerous civilizations. Do you honestly believe that YouTube videos and discussions on Steemit are going to change anything? No. It won’t.

I am not affiliated with any government, Wizardave.
The Guidestones are after a cataclysmic event has occurred. Stones that guide what is left of society to rebuild and repopulate the Earth. The rules are a reminder of how to live in peace with the assumption that we do not repeat our past mistakes of 1. corrupting our spiritual self and 2. allowing the population to grow unheeded.