"Illuminati's Main Objective: An Oligarchy Worldwide Society & Updated DM Info Absent From Web"
Many would think this title, by all intent and purposes, is alarmist, don't you think so too?
What concrete evidence do you have to support the claims in your piece?
I am sure you could help with any evidence if you do have any.
I am in no way or mean attempting to invoke hysteria or to alarm the masses.
Websters Merriman defines an oligarchy government as this:
2: a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes a military oligarchy was established in the country
; also : a group exercising such control - An oligarchy ruled the nation.
3: an organization under oligarchic control - That country is an oligarchy.
Now look at who the corrupt are of the world? Are they blue-collar workers who work 40-60 hours per week? Are they farmers who supply us with food, milk and other agricultural needs? Are they people who live paycheck to paycheck every week for years?
Then let's look at the list of members of the Illuminati- where you can see some well-known politicians. I'm not looking at the Hollywood scene or music scene either> I am focused on the political realm of members.
I'm in no way saying I have proof or a hand written letter from an Illuminati member. I am expressing my viewpoint, my opinion. If you were to ask 100 people who the Illuminati were... what would the answer be? Maybe that should be a new focus for me. A poll on who the Illuminati are. What people think they are.
And if you read my Disclaimer at the end of the post which was there from the first time I hit the post button, I do state
The two words speculation & hypothesis should have been keywords to show I am not being looking to alarm anyone.
I am very much looking forward to hearing what you have found regarding human cloning. I've done a little bit of research on this subject myself and its implications are truly terrifying. I believe human cloning has already taken place on a scale larger than most of us would be comfortable realizing. There is evidence out there. Hopefully this too will reach the surface sooner rather than later.
There are MANY people on steemit writing about human cloning, Donald Marshall and other topics including Vril also.
Finding facts to back all the information appears to be the hardest part.