Illuminati: Who Are They Really? And Where Is Donald Marshall?

in #donaldmarshall7 years ago (edited)

Image Source - Pixabay

The Illuminati

While starting more in-depth research into the Illuminati over the weekend, I visited one of my go-to pages.. The facts in this article are ones I already knew about; New World Order, one currency, one government to abide by, the possible elimination of religions and unifying only one religion and so much more. These are what I consider basic (and known) speculation. NOTICE I didn't say known facts

After reading all the information on Facts Are Facts website linked above, you may be thinking... are those 21 Illuminati facts true? Are they real? And who would know if they are facts; or just more outsider conspiracy theories. Because who really knows what the Illuminati's plans are? Someone who is a sworn-in member? Someone who has had first-hand experience with the members?

For centuries the Illuminati has been reared as one of the most taciturn group of people. Secrets abound. Well known elites, politicians and stars have been assumed associated with the group. But are these the same stars that we read about rumored to be cloned? Hmm, some appear to be.

I was hoping this website would give me some new, undiscovered, insight as to what I wanted to talk about this week. But it really hasn't... the only thought that keeps popping into my head is that Donald Marshall claims to be a human clone created by the Illuminati.

Donald Marshall

Have you noticed that too?In my travels on steemit, I came across more and more posts being made with the tag #donaldmarshall (which I will referring to as DM from here on out).

Donald Marshall Has Done it Again talking about the way DM seems to be almost avoiding notoriety, notice and being acknowledged online. This is definitely a question I'd love to get and answer to.One that really caught my attention was by @sunnyofoz's post

Which was evident when @fulltimegeek had announced he would be picking two finalists and DM would be picking the, for lack of a better word, first place finalist to write posts five days a week regarding DM, Vril, the Illuminati and human cloning. But DM couldn't be found to pick his choice. I'm not even sure if he read all the entries; which were superb mind you.

Which brings a thought of why? What happened to DM? Where is he?

You almost have to ask why is that?

I have sent Donald Marshall two messages on Twitter, replied to his tweet yesterday saying Good Morning with an image of a cup of coffee and even when to a website called Donald Marshall Revolution. First off I want to say, I still ahve not heard from him via twitter. And secondly every page and every tab on the website is identical with a message stating RETURNING 2018

I even sent an email to the DM Revolution website's contact email. It came back as a mail-daemon. The email stated "
Message not delivered
Your message couldn't be delivered to [email protected] because the remote server is misconfigured. See technical details below for more information."

So does DM even run this website?

Image Source- Pixabay

The BBC website stated this back in November of 2016.

Donald Marshall. As he revealed in 2011, Marshall is a normal guy (who happens to also be a clone) who found himself in a cloning station, run by none other than Queen Elizabeth. Obviously. In essence he wants to educate the world about this clandestine celebrity cloning operation, which is run by the Illuminati

So, Donald has inside information and knowledge of what really happens within the Illuminati. He lived it. He survived it. He has books on Amazon describing it. We need him to speak. I want him to email me back, tweet to me... acknowledge my inquiries.

Possible reasons DM is not around:

  • Fear
  • Reticent
  • Unable to communicate not of his own doing
  • Feeling people will ridicule him (call him a hoax, etc)
  • Unable to communicate due to technology issues

After spending the weekend researching more about DM's connection to the Illuminati,I have more questions now than answers.

Other Interesting Donald Marshall Posts



Important comment by AnalysisParalysis, on twitter, regarding this post:

The author would find out more from reading the proboards than from trying to get a personal interview. Ongoing torture and harassment makes a person anti-social. Also, he's been hacked, before, so no way to be sure he even gets all messages.

THANK YOU! I have that page bookmarked just haven't headed over there yet!!!!

I guess it's the old newspaper reporter in me that wants that exclusive talk and interview--old habits die hard

Another excellent source of information is Astral Light's website on blogspot:

Norberto, if you're seeing this, please unblock me on Twitter ... Or, at least let me know what I did to upset you ...

Thank you- I just planned out the rest of the week's posts. The proboards gave me a few new avenues- heading off to check this other link- you're incredible!
Following more people on twitter now too with new alerts. My hubby's gonna throttle me every time my phone buzzes now

It gets even weirder for me. Avril looks like she might be a MTF (male to female transgender). Check it out on the youtubes. We have been fooled on a grand scale.

I am studying the differences between the male and female skeletons and I find it fascinating how even during the first picture shows, they may have been using men to play the women's roles. The trachea is a great give-away if the person is a MTF, but the shadowing is conveniently always over the throat.

I am not saying that they all are transgender, but it is interesting to see how the mass media deceives us all all levels, more now than ever.

I discovered years ago when in college psychology class the reason men and women both have nipples. Apparently nipples are formed on the (baby's) body before the sex of the baby is actually known and developed. Hence... female use for breast feeding and males- just got to have them.

I never really got down to the nitty-gritty of male versus female skeletons. I mean, yes there has to be differences; pathologist learn this for autopsy reasons, but I never really considered it.

anatomy of the pelvis m:f.jpg

The pelvis is a great place to start. Obviously, men are usually bigger (if they aren't given women's hormones at a young age).

Men have a bigger head and jaw, bigger pelvis, shoulders that are level (mostly) with the floor and wider than their pelvis so that their arms hang straight down without hitting their pelvis. Their arms are long and hands are big. Feet are big, too. Oh, and the Adam's apple plus a large obvious trachea (and long necks). Heads are as big as necks, when the men are adults.

There's a lot of hidden modifications happening in Hollyweird that are now normalized so that no one picks up on the deception (I didn't until it was pointed out and I did the research myself, and I study anatomy for my yoga teaching).

I just thought you might find it interesting. Have a great day!

There's knowledge and knowledge. Truth is different from one to another. Illuminated is any person who knows the secret, everything is cyclic. DM does not exist, in the same way the time travelers from Reddit are fakes 😁. Clones never worked, unless they could catch a lost soul, hard to believe but I do not know the unknown.
Whatever we believe, we bring in our reality. This life is a game, a simulation, a matrix. History is repeated and souls come back to play the game again. Just enjoy your time here, ignorance is bliss for most of us. Truth is not for everyone. Be careful what you wish for, it might happen. Take a journey only if burns inside you. The answer lies within the question. Live a fulfilling life 😉.
Seek to light workers.

It's like the old TV series The X-Files motto
The Truth Is Out There...

But sometimes when people get the truth, they're not sure what to do with it.

Do we still have skepticism even after having the facts? Most people do, I believe. Having something proven with facts still makes the harshest critics reserved.

This is a very interesting statement...

Whatever we believe, we bring in our reality. This life is a game, a simulation, a matrix

There are as many worlds as people. The answers you looking for are not on this internet, but on the original one. The one this game is played on, the access key it's been always around, is just illegal 😋.
Of course there's an elite, it always been there and it always will be. Is just the way this game works. I learned some time ago not wasting time with things I can't control or verify. And this is my last comment on clones 😃.

I dont know how to say about illumination. But, many video what it told about illumination make it like a truth story.

Everyone has his or her viewpoints and opinions regarding conspiracy theories; how we individually decide to approach the CT, dissect the CT and eventually accept or deny the CT is up to each person.

Videos have been known to be proven false. With the advancement of technology, anyone can create anything for viewing. It's up to the viewer to determine, research and investigate to either prove fact or fiction.

Okey, maybe your opinian more best than video. I dont know about illumination. But, like a story, illumination a secret story. Maybe yes. Or maybe no.

Donald Marshall is a fantasist :D @goldendawne

Fantastist- definition-

is someone who constantly tells lies about their life and achievements

I cannot confirm this statement. I would love to hear from DM... even if to answer three questions. Which is the topic of another post this week- stay tuned...

I actually saw this DM stuff as publicity stunt.
Just a way of letting people who probably forgot to remember that there's such a group as illuminati..

Like in my country, there was a time this illuminati stuff was everywhere. I mean everywhere.
It was even rumoured that you can't make it in the entertainment industry if you not one of their member. And it actually sold for lots of movie, music and musical video carried Thier signs and logos.. and once an entertainer got famous, he was rumoured to have joined the group
But as time passed, people got tired of it and they were relocated to the background...
But since this DM stuff came up, illuminati has regained their spot on the airways and all information media...
So I'll say it's just publicity stunt..
But I'll still wanna hear the answers to @goldendawne questions though, so DM better comes out from where ever she's hiding.

Same here in this country- evidence, speculation and visible structures and things pointing to the Illuminati. From the streets of D.C. to our paper currency. Even Taco Bell has picked up on the Illuminati hype in their commercials this year. And it's not so much people have forgotten, I think it's more of choice to no think about it. The old adage... out of sight, out of mind kind of applies here.

If it is a publicity stunt, then it's time to prove it. If it is factual, then it's time to reveal it.

This DM stuff sounds like conspiracy porn to me.

Thanks for posting.

Try 'wherever money flows'... Most of the uninformed average working people will sell themselves into a willing slavery without knowing two facts who runs the whole show. The World is a circus, and we are the fools. The Illuminati is only a blanket statement for the plethora of discrepancies all over the world.

There is truth in this world for sure. Keep digging, I'll pitch in to the conversation as much as I can for sure. Thanks for getting this going!