It gets even weirder for me. Avril looks like she might be a MTF (male to female transgender). Check it out on the youtubes. We have been fooled on a grand scale.
I am studying the differences between the male and female skeletons and I find it fascinating how even during the first picture shows, they may have been using men to play the women's roles. The trachea is a great give-away if the person is a MTF, but the shadowing is conveniently always over the throat.
I am not saying that they all are transgender, but it is interesting to see how the mass media deceives us all all levels, more now than ever.
I discovered years ago when in college psychology class the reason men and women both have nipples. Apparently nipples are formed on the (baby's) body before the sex of the baby is actually known and developed. Hence... female use for breast feeding and males- just got to have them.
I never really got down to the nitty-gritty of male versus female skeletons. I mean, yes there has to be differences; pathologist learn this for autopsy reasons, but I never really considered it.
The pelvis is a great place to start. Obviously, men are usually bigger (if they aren't given women's hormones at a young age).
Men have a bigger head and jaw, bigger pelvis, shoulders that are level (mostly) with the floor and wider than their pelvis so that their arms hang straight down without hitting their pelvis. Their arms are long and hands are big. Feet are big, too. Oh, and the Adam's apple plus a large obvious trachea (and long necks). Heads are as big as necks, when the men are adults.
There's a lot of hidden modifications happening in Hollyweird that are now normalized so that no one picks up on the deception (I didn't until it was pointed out and I did the research myself, and I study anatomy for my yoga teaching).
I just thought you might find it interesting. Have a great day!