YOU said it was his steem when YOU posted the screenshot that said.
@fulltimegeek's refund (With the Memo of) Fulltimegeek refund
I'm assuming those are your words as you posted them.
By the way I do agree with..
I think most people would agree 16,000 posts/comments a day is spam.
And I do appreciate any effort to reduce SPAM.
We (I) am not talking about his actions here. He is not a witness, you are and as a witness I expect something more.
A reference to your TOS policy with a clear and unemotional reason of why the refund was not given would have change my decision. But that is not what happened.
This went from a busines dispute to a flag war in 12 minutes. And as a Business Owner (Witness, BidBot Operator) you can't do that. You have to keep the emotions out of it.
You have to take the high road.
Update. After reading other posts I'm seeing that FTG is also a witness? If so, my comments also apply to FTG. And if so, shame on you for SPAMing.
It was symbolic to show it was nothing about money, all the steem is unserialized and just tokens.
I never flagged him. It isn’t a flag war it is him flagging. So I really don’t know what you are talking about.
I'm sorry for any misunderstanding. Let me try to make it clearer.
As a business owner you need to keep the emotions out of it.
You have a TOS policy for a reason, use it. There is no reason for personal attacks, inflammatory words, actions or emotions. They only make things worse.
You are trying to make an emotional case to justify your stance. DON'T! You don't need to. Your TOS makes it clear. If he violated the TOS point out where and how and let it be. PERIOD
I'm sorry for calling this a flag war. I am happy to see you haven't stooped to that level.
I guess a better term for this would be a "pissing contest" or a "shit show". Whatever you call it doesn't matter, it will only hurt steem in the long run.