It's going to be such a good blank canvas to try out different things on. That is one of the things I love about digital art, that ability to have layers to try out things, in a way in can make an artist more bold to try things without the fear of 'ruining' their basic sketch.
I see other artists start with eyes as well, I always seem to start with scribbly circles and shapes for head and torso etc, not sure why.
I'm excited to see the various iterations of this.
The layers have been a lifesaver on ocassions! Oh and I agree with you, it has encouraged me to try new things and master them.
I used to start with circles and mapping out the face but in truth the circle was more like an oval. The entire face ends up looking too long and narrow. I still make this mistake but with the help of digital tools, it can be fixed with a few easy adjustments!
I hope I can successfully deliver!