I think the ego sometimes is too big to even realize that which we don't really know,
My interpretation is different.(staying on the Freudian paradigm)
The ego is misunderstood.
The ego negotiates between the super ego (parental values mostly), and the ID (the 'I want'- which possess no moral value).
Modern day (incorrect) interpretations place the ego at the center of the decision making, not the negotiator between the two other component parts.
I've written few post about this if you be bothered searching for them!lol - in the last 6 months.
Your statement would indicate the (imo) incorrect framing of the ego. A common mistake.
Your statement would indicate the ID having a louder and more influential voice over the superego. (not the ego, if you see what I mean)
It's all 'shades off.
(I think I may have done a poor job expalining it- sorry if that's the case - my lack of caffeine, and hunger, makes my replies very truncated!lol)
definitely requires courage to go through the destruction of the perceived self in order to create a new more anchored and aware self.
I'd say (personally) that to see it in those terms, is not the best perspective. Don't try to destroy anything, but accept everything - the good and bad - and then work with the material you have - new material that's been formed out of those thought process...
( I really need to go and get some food! lol)
I agree with not destroying. Focusing energy on accepting and improving is the best way to go. You have great ideas and thank you for expressing them in here
Thanks !