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RE: [Dream Report] Being Able to Fly Isn't Enough to Be a Superhero...

in #dreams8 years ago

Awesome. I love the costume description.

I have flying dreams fairly regularly, but it is always more of a gravity-less floating. Not that there is no gravity, because others in my dream can't do the floating thing but I can. Also, it never seems odd or surprising when this happens in my dream. I don't discover that I can fly, I just fly. It feels natural and like I've done it a thousand times. Probably because I have, in other dreams.


Why does that consistency exist in dreams? Stuff like that troubles me. Why are there "rules" in dreams, like pinching yourself or looking at the moon to wake up? That's some degree of structure and logic which seems like it shouldn't be there.

Maybe...dream space is a real place or realm or dimension governed by its own logic. Like Fairie, except, you know, real.

Or maybe sometimes your conscious mind is able to assert itself into the subconscious for brief intervals or for specific purposes, or if it is practiced at doing so. This would explain why sometimes my dreams carry over from one sleep to another, and why I know in my dream state that I can fly. I've also heard of people with severe sleepwalking disorders training themselves to learn the difference between dream reality and waking reality so they could wake themselves up.

This is the kind of stuff that really captivates me. Digging into something as mysterious and elusive as dreams, prying them apart to find out their secrets.