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RE: Commodification of Everything Except Our Dreams: 2008 is The Year I Woke Up

in #dreams7 years ago

"Human beings are not meant to do the same task over and over again"
"Dreams are still not monetized by Facebook. Memories are already outsourced, but dreams belong to something else"
"But losing everything connected me to 90% of the world. I will never forget the feeling of having nothing. In fact, all of us could lose it all again and probably be ok as long as we have a connection to the abundant stream of ideas inside and a group of supportive tribe members to help us when we fall"

1-the meaning of our life. If we go through our lives without purpose then where we going!! what is the value of our lives? Our lifetime goals shouldn't be materialistic and dependent on things. we're able to get the things we want it's a not a problem when we lose them we can back up again, but when we lose our lives it's too hard to get it back. following the usual terrible life system includes a stable career and a family life.
2-Dreams are something you are just thinking about,You have act upon those thoughts otherwise they would still meaningless. Some people tend to dream about something forever that's truly pathetic.dreams are imaginary, endless and free on the other hand goals based on reality, have a cost and have deadlines.
3-it's all about how we visualize ourselves in the inside that what make a difference. the feeling of having nothing in the outside could never defeat you if you're satisfied in the inside.
in fact all of this point I made a short post 4 days ago especially to write about them and those insights are from the post. I asked a question and tried to answer it "what do you want your life to mean" I wrote this post because am really want to speak my mind and transfer what I feel into words. it's original content not plagiarized.
"I feel bad that he feels he has zero to offer in the way of thoughts, ideas." totally agree with you " I don't care that they stole my Idea I care that they don't have any of their own" nikola tesla Awesomely Awesome. great inspirational content from a great blogger @stellabelle . let me add my insight on every point you mentioned.


I believe that if I had not read Tesla's autobiography, I might not have found steem when I did. That book had a profound effect on the way I think.

I love to read about mathematicians and physicists, I read a lot about tesla, but am not read this book. I think I have to read it.